Serve with faith
Monday, December 2, 2024
*Anthony Pittelli
As we begin Advent, it is a good time to reflect on life’s ups and downs, gifts and graces, blessings and bounties. Holidays can be abundant with emotions, ranging from happiness and joy to distress and despondency. For many, the pendulum swings during this time of the year. As such, the gift of service becomes of utmost importance.
People we are familiar with or those we do not know at all need us. From those dealing with grief and depression to those who do not know when their next meal will come, many are in need of help.
I remember a moment in my law enforcement career when our agency was conducting a holiday theft operation at a large local big-box store. My partner and I came across an oddly parked vehicle in a dark and remote area of the parking lot. The vehicle was parked at an angle and just “didn’t look right.”
As we cautiously approached to investigate further, I noticed through the open driver’s side window that someone was sobbing inside the vehicle. My partner, from the other side, noticed a firearm lying in plain view on the passenger seat. Fortunately, we were able to secure the firearm without incident. As we compassionately spoke with the individual, he mentioned that his son had been killed in a military operation earlier that year. The grief, as the holidays approached, became almost too much to bear. In that moment, it dawned on my partner (also a devout Catholic) and me that we had just prevented a suicide attempt.
We never saw that person again after that night, but I often think about him, hoping that our intervention somehow renewed his faith. I can’t explain how we ended up in that parking lot at the same time as this distressed individual, but I have faith that it happened for a reason. This person needed help, and by God’s grace, we were there for him.
Whether it’s “randomly” finding ourselves in a situation where someone needs help or committing to an event where volunteers are needed, opportunities to serve faithfully exist within our parish communities. There are many ways to share our joy and goodwill, most preciously during Advent, the time when we prepare ourselves to receive the greatest gift Our Lord ever gave to the world: His Son, Jesus. Let us give.
- If you or someone you know needs help, local resources are available through Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami at www.ccadm.org.
- The Upper Room Crisis Hotline is also available toll-free at 1-888-808-8724 or you can visit online at CatholicHotline.org.
Wishing everyone a blessed Holiday season.
Anthony & the Safe Environment Team
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