Angie Lora
9737 NW 41 St., Suite 831
Miami, FL 33178
Centro San Jose
Castos Por Amor
Castos Por Amor es un movimiento apostólico de la Arquidiócesis de Miami que comunica la Buena Noticia en una nueva evangelización de auténtico compromiso apostólico "proclamando el evangelio de la castidad". Aporta una pastoral sobre la sexualidad humana basada en el Magisterio de la Santa Madre Iglesia a través de apostolados de educación, prevención y recuperación. Da herramientas y educación para llevar la castidad como virtud en todos los estados de vida, solteros, consagrados y casados. Las enseñanzas y catequesis incluyen pero no limita a: programa radial "Creciendo en el Amor", talleres, misiones parroquiales, congresos y el retiro Libres Para Amar, basado en la Teología del Cuerpo de S. Juan Pablo II, para mayores de 18 años, hombres, mujeres, solteros y casados. La prevención y recuperación se realiza a través de la consejería clínica cristiana católica de su apostolado Centro San José CCC para vivir y recuperar la sexualidad integrada.
Robert and Anne Tomonto
15925 SW 77 Court
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
Christian Family Movement
The goal of the CFM is the development of couples, their families and others in their personal relationships through social consciousness and involvement. This development is built through three cornerstones: (a) a prayerful relationship with God; (b) the community achieved in the CFM group; and (c) the ability of each CFM group to make considered judgments and act upon them through the use of social inquiry method in our meetings. (In English)
Spiritual Director
Father Jeff McCormick
Glen and Elizabeth Santayana
Couples for Christ
The Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Private International Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right. This movement is intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life, with its global membership committed to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up families under the leadership of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God. Couples for Christ are families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth.
Covenant Experience
The Covenant Experience is a parish based weekend program to enrich and stabilize marriages. The objective is to enrich marriages by providing a conversion experience on the weekend and a support community of like-minded couples in the follow-up.
Casa Manresa
Spiritual Director
Father Marcelino García, S.J.
Encuentros Familiares
Family Encounters provides spiritual and psychological retreats for families with teenage children.
Oscar and Elizabeth Fiallos
P.O. Box 440973
Miami, FL 33144
Impactos de Cristiandad
Weekend retreats for young couples who have children between the ages of 3 to 11. The whole family is invited to participate: parents and children.
Jose and Katya Pacheco
Matrimonios en Victoria/ Marriages in Victory
Matrimonios en Victoria es un movimiento laico católico internacional y un apostolado en la Arquidiócesis de Miami para el enriquecimiento matrimonial. A través de la combinación de retiros en español y en inglés y asambleas semanales de crecimiento espiritual en sus diferentes comunidades, el movimiento busca fortalecer el compromiso de los esposos a medida que descubren el plan de Dios para su matrimonio, ofreciéndoles herramientas a nivel práctico y espiritual. Su principal objetivo es la santificación del matrimonio, célula fundamental de la familia, la Iglesia y la sociedad. La evangelización, la oración y el servicio están en el corazón de MEV/MIV y sus ministerios. Entre estos se encuentra "Niños en Victoria", ofreciéndole formación y crecimiento en la fe a los niños mientras sus padres asisten a las asambleas en su comunidad. También el ministerio de "Mamás en Victoria", mediante conferencias-desayunos mensuales, les brinda a todas las mamás de la Arquidiócesis la educación y herramientas necesarias para cumplir su labor de madres por medio de la Palabra de Dios y la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica. La pastoral del movimiento también cuenta con el programa radial en vivo, "Hombre y Mujer los Creó", semanalmente a través de la emisora de Radio Paz.
Matrimonios en Victoria/Marriages in Victory is a lay Catholic international movement and an apostolate in the Archdiocese of Miami with emphasis on marriage enrichment. Through a combination of retreats both in Spanish and English, and weekly follow-up meetings at its various communities, the movement strives to strengthen the married couple's commitment to growing in their faith and marriage relationship as they discover God's unique plan for their marriage, and to receiving the necessary spiritual and practical tools to achieve this. Its main objective is the sanctification of marriage as the fundamental cell of the family, the Church and society. Evangelization, prayer and service are at the heart of all MEV/MIV its various ministries. Among these, the ministry of "Niños en Victoria" offers faith formation and growth to the children while their parents attend their community meetings. There's also the ministry of "Mamás en Victoria," open to all mothers in the Archdiocese; it provides faith formation and the necessary tools to accomplish their motherhood with the help of the Word of God and Church teachings. The movement also has a weekly radio program, "Hombre y Mujer los Creó," which is aired live by Radio Paz .
Coordinating Committee Presidents
Adán & Olga Zúñiga
Spiritual Director
Deacon Juan González
480 East 8th Street
Hialeah, FL 33010
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
The Christian Family Movement was founded by the late Father Angel Villaronga, O.F.M. Spiritual retreats are offered to young, middle age or older couples that want to enhance their marriage relationship or those who are having difficulties in their marriage.
The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Struggling in their Relationship
This program is for couples with marital problems that want marriage help. Those who are considering marriage separation and those who are already separated or divorced are encouraged to consider the Retrouvaille Program. There is always hope of reviving your relationship.
Some couples come to Retrouvaille during the initial signs of a marriage problem. Other couples are in a state of despair and hopelessness when they attend the program.
Many lawyers and judges send couples to Retrouvaille as a prerequisite to filing for a divorce or rendering final decisions. Many marriage counselors and family therapists send their clients to Retrouvaille as a prerequisite to counseling. These professionals know that the tools of communication in marriage taught in the program are often what couples need.
The Retrouvaille program is for husbands and wives and is not designed nor intended for couples in a co-habitating relationship.
Retrouvaille is a Three-Phase Program:
- Phase 1: The Retrouvaille Weekend Experience
- Phase 2: The Post Weekend Sessions
- Phase 3: Monthly Support (CORE)
Transformed in Love
Transformed in Love is a marriage preparation program that uses a "house building" metaphor to illustrate the concepts of establishing, building, and nurturing marriage and family life. It uses a holistic approach -body, soul, intellect and will- to prepare couples for sacramental grace.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Worldwide Marriage Encounter's mission of renewal in the Church and change in the world is to assist couples and priests to live fully intimate and responsible relationships by providing them with a Catholic 'experience' and ongoing community support for such a lifestyle.