The Catechist Formation and Certification process of the Archdiocese of Miami (ADOM) for teachers in Catholic schools provides basic theological understanding and spiritual formation to help cooperate with God in forming each child in the image and likeness of God through an integral formation of the human person. Learning about Jesus and the mysteries of His life aims to lead each person to discover the meaning and purpose of all things so as to order his/her life according to the values of the Gospel.
“Catholic schools must be seen as "meeting places for those who wish to express Christian values in education". The Catholic school, far more than any other, must be a community whose aim is the transmission of values for living. Its work is seen as promoting a faith-relationship with Christ in Whom all values find fulfilment. But faith is principally assimilated through contact with people whose daily life bears witness to it. Christian faith, in fact, is born and grows inside a community.” (The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, The Catholic School, n.53)
Initial Certification Process
Within three (3) years of first being hired, Catholic school teachers are to successfully complete the following four initial certification courses (each course counts for 10 credit hours), listed in the recommended order of completion:
- Introduction to Sacred Scripture
- Introduction to the Profession of Faith: Creed
- Introduction to Liturgy and Sacraments
- Introduction to Catholic Morality: Life in Christ
Renewal Certification Process
After completion of Initial Certification, teachers have five (5) years to work towards completion of 40 hours of renewal certification, ten of which must be a renewal certification course.
Renewal Certification Courses (each course counts for 10 credit hours), listed in the recommended order of completion:
- Foundations: Prayer and Spirituality
- Gender Identity
- Spirituality for Teachers and Catechists
- TOB in Touch with Adults and Educators
- Scripture - Old Testament
- Scripture - New Testament
Initial and Renewal Certification Courses may be taken either at the parish/school (with proper approval from the Office of Catechesis) or through the ADOM Learning online platform.
Catechetical Conference
Teachers who attend the yearly ADOM Catechetical Conference will receive 10 credit hours towards their renewal of certification after completing a reflection survey within one week after the conference. The digital link for the survey is sent to all participants.
Extra renewal credits do not rollover to the next renewal cycle.
“By their witness and their behavior teachers are of the first importance to impart a distinctive character to Catholic schools. It is, therefore, indispensable to ensure their continuing formation through some form of suitable pastoral provision. This must aim to animate them as witnesses of Christ in the classroom and tackle the problems of their particular apostolate, especially regarding a Christian vision of the world and of education, problems also connected with the art of teaching in accordance with the principles of the Gospel.” (The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, The Catholic School, n.78)