A heart-to-heart with Jesus
Monday, June 7, 2021
*Dolores Hanley McDiarmid
As the feast day of my Sacred Heart approaches, can we have a heart-to-heart talk? I invite you to look deep within your own heart as I ask you several important questions for the sake of our relationship and for the sake of your soul.
During the months of quarantine, when many of my children attended Mass virtually, I reflected on how they would behave when the quarantine was lifted and they could participate in Mass, receiving my body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Holy Eucharist, as I intended on that Holy Thursday long ago.
This is the reason we are having this heart-to-heart conversation. I hoped that the behavior of those returning to celebrate the Eucharist would indicate a greater appreciation and respect for their ability to worship the one true God, who loves them more than any person on earth.
Do you genuinely believe that my Real Presence is in the tabernacle? Do you genuinely believe that you are receiving my Real Presence when you receive Holy Communion in the form of the host? Please understand when I said, “This is my body” and “This is my blood,” I did not say this is a symbol of my body or blood.
Because you say you are my followers, I ask you to look within yourselves and ask if your actions and behavior indicate that you believe in the Real Presence.
Imagine you are invited to a celebratory dinner at the home of a friend. Knowing it is a special time for your host/hostess, do you arrive dressed in what you have worn all day at the beach/park or sporting event, or do you select something nice to wear?
When you arrive at the home of your host/hostess, do you greet them, or do you ignore them and walk inside their house making yourself at home?
The next time you arrive at my house I would be happy if you greeted me and spent time talking with me. This is my special time with you. You can talk to your friends before or after Mass. All week I wait in the tabernacle for you to visit with me and tell me about all the things that happened to you during the week. I want you to share all your worries and your concerns with me. In the Gospel of Matthew, 11:28, I tell you, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”
When you spend quiet time with me in conversation or simply sitting in my Presence, you create a quiet, peaceful, and reverent environment for your brothers and sisters who come to me seeking refuge from the noisy and busy world.
When you are in church, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, you are on holy ground. Remember when Moses was approaching the burning bush to get a better look? God the Father called out to him and said, “Come no nearer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” Moses was in the presence of God in the form of the burning bush. He was commanded to be reverent on holy ground as we are when in church.
When sitting at the table of your host/hostess as you are being served, do you take the time to prepare yourself? Do place your napkin on your lap, look at the various dishes, smell the delicious aroma, look at the lovely presentation and compliment the chef?
How do you prepare yourself before receiving the Real Presence, my body and blood? Do you examine your conscience to make sure you are in a state of grace with no mortal sins on your soul? Do you talk to me and tell me how much you look forward to having my Sacred Heart take up residence in your body? Do you tell me how much you love me and ask me to help transform you into the person you are created to become? This is how the world will change. I am the answer!
After you eat the delicious celebratory meal at the home of your friend, do you get up from the table and walk out, thinking about the next thing on your to-do list for the day?
When I come with my Sacred Heart to take up residence within you, I want you to spend time with me in conversation. I want you to feel how much I love you and I want your love for me to grow. I need for you to take time with me so I can transform you. This is how the Church, and our world, will be transformed. I am the answer. Whatever you are rushing to do, or wherever you are rushing to go to, it is not as important as our time together.
I ask you again. Do you genuinely believe my Real Presence resides in the tabernacles all over the world? Do you genuinely believe that you are receiving the Real Presence of your Lord as the host is placed on your tongue or in your hand?
Each week I have invited you to the most magnificent banquet and celebration, to receive my body, blood, soul, and divinity. This is the spiritual food I have given to nourish you, to help you stay close to me. It is just as important or more important than the food you eat for your physical well-being.
I am saddened that many do not know about this opportunity for grace and transformation. I am waiting for you! I am waiting to change your life, your family, your church, and your world. Please come to me. I will not disappoint you.
These days I have been hearing many of my children who are saddened and depressed due to the isolation and loneliness they are experiencing. I understand that all too well. In many tabernacles all over the world I experience the same feelings of isolation and loneliness. I yearn for you to keep me company and to let me be your best friend. No one will ever love you as much as I love you, and that love will never change.
During the month of June, the month when you honor my Sacred Heart, I invite you to have many other heart-to-heart talks with me; before Mass begins, before and after you receive me in the Eucharist, and when adoring my Eucharistic Face at adoration.
We can even have a heart-to-heart talk right now. I am here waiting for you. I have been waiting for you!
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