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I was speaking with a parishioner one Sunday before Mass, and she shared her fear of what was coming with respect to the upcoming elections. One does not need to be a political pundit to see the polarization within our country along partisan and political boundaries. Though her fear was understandable, I tried to assure her that throughout the history of humanity, and particularly throughout the written word of the Bible, God has shown Himself to be ever faithful. Regardless of who the leader was, God was able to do great things.

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, tells of evil and debauched rulers throughout the history of the Hebrew people. Leaders like King Jeroboam of Northern Israel who created idols for the people to worship (1 Kings 12); King Ahaz who practiced pagan religions and even offered up his own son as a child sacrifice (2 Kings 16:3); and King Herod who put to death young infants in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:16).

Even those leaders most would consider biblical heroes were imperfect: Abraham who lied about his wife Sarah, telling King Abimelech that she was his sister (Genesis 12:10-20); Moses who was disobedient to God’s command at Meribah (Numbers 20:2-13); King David who was an adulterer and murderer (2 Samuel 11); and his son, King Solomon, who in his disobedience committed polygamy, which led to him practicing idolatry with his pagan wives (1 Kings 11: 1-10). They were all grievously sinful and made mistakes against God and man.

The point of those examples is that no matter how a certain leader is viewed, God is more than capable and able of achieving His plans. Though this country was built on the pillars of Christianity, of the freedom to worship freely, and of keeping church and state separate (which of course is easier said than done — that line is always very blurry —) it is not a necessity that we have theocratic leaders or leadership.

That’s not to say that despite God’s will ultimately winning out, we shouldn’t try to elect good and upright leadership for our community and country. The Bible is filled with examples of peace and prosperity when the leader’s and community’s desires aligned with God’s. It is equally filled with examples of pain and suffering when the wayward desires of leadership and the community clash with God’s will.

In aviation weather vernacular, when two winds meet that are at different speeds and directions, this creates turbulence. I believe this is the healthy fear that both the parishioner, myself and many others share. Fear of spiritual turbulence that could be created when the leadership of our country clashes with the will of God. We should all pray for peaceful elections, the spiritual health of our nation and world, and that the desires of community and leadership align with the will of God.

Comments from readers

HECTOR GONZALEZ - 11/02/2020 01:18 PM
The serious problem we are facing is the danger of being manipulated by a leader who makes fun of everybody, of everything, of every situation. Who works for a "herd immunity" in the Usa, so those who are in danger to get sick and die, they better go through that process, provided the national economy does not collapse and the remaining 80% who will be able to survive will enjoy a peaceful future, all immune to Covid-19. President Macron in France, Angel Merkel in Germany consider that policy unacceptable, because inhumane. Is also the politics of the Spain Government . Believe me, we are facing four more tragic years, ahead of us. also, America risk to do "not be great again" if this political show goes on.
Antonio Fernandez - 11/02/2020 11:39 AM
Let me first thank Mr. Charles Tarlton for his excellent comment here. I strongly sgree with him about the “polarization within our country along partisan and political boundaries“, and I would add in our Church as well. Both candidates have lights and shadows, good and bad... my recommendation is not to look at the past but to the future, based in our experience and in our knowledge, let us look to the future and discern what could be suppressed, changed or improved. Bless you all!
Valli Leone - 11/02/2020 11:32 AM
Well said and written, dear Charles. Many, including myself, were concerned that a Catholic schism was taking place in our Church due to our differences regarding the importance is single issues. The Lord continues to reveal to me that, no matter who is president, Jesus Christ is still and always King! Whatever happens, the Two Great Commandments remain in effect. Pride, anger and vengeance always bring despair. Humility, peace and trusting in God will always reward us. So, if your side wins – – don’t gloat! And if your side loses, don’t despair! Jesus Christ is Lord and King forever! ✝️🔆💜
Vince Eberling - 11/02/2020 10:32 AM
After this election is over. We are Catholic. Our values must be lived out in action. Pray! Vote! Work! All candidates have planks in their platform that stand against our core values. United we must work Against these things that are against our Catholic values.

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