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I have been asked many times: What is a spiritual director? So here it is: a spiritual director is one who, through training, is able to help you discern God’s movements in your life….a helper along your journey.

How do I help you? Well the first question I ask you is: What is your prayer life like and are you seeking God’s will? I ask this because how will you know what God is saying to you if you are not listening? God’s will is, most times, different than ours.

Maybe this will help explain: Most people who know me know that I love Star Trek. I just love watching as they explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations. They had no guide book on the ways of that new world and this resulted in many hardships, trials, tribulations, etc.

Unlike the Star Trek team, we have a guide book, the Bible, to show us how to live in the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells us that we are IN this world but not OF this world. So, in essence, when we follow God, we are living in an alien world. I love this.  The Kingdom of God, His ways, His laws are so opposite to man’s. Think about it: Pray for your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Thank and praise God in ALL circumstances - that means ALL. I tell you this: if you will walk in His ways and keep His commandments, you will be given the grace to walk through whatever circumstances come your way; but even more, the trials and tribulations in your journey will turn into blessings.

How do we do this? How do we act opposite to what we have learned all our lives? We grew up in this world, have been shaped by our families of origin, teachers, culture, experiences, traumas, disappointments, etc. We all have been on our own unique journey. Much of what we have learned is good. However, our actions are, many times, a result of what we have learned in the world and they may prohibit us from acting on God’s ways. How are we able to keep God’s commands when we have been hurt, disappointed and broken? How do we become free to act on our faith rather than from our brokenness?

Some years ago, while in one of my trials, the Lord gave me some keys to help me work to that end and I want to share them with you. These keys are: faith, trust, obedience and love.

I will have more to say about the first key, faith, in my next blog. In the meantime, try this prayer assignment for this week: “Thank you, Lord, for showing me the truth about who it is that I am following in my life.”

Comments from readers

Linda Rose - 01/03/2013 01:56 PM
Thank all of you for your feedback on Spiritual Directors! Yes! We all need eachother to help us along our unique journey, and what an awesome thing it is that there are people trained and gifted to help guide in the ways of God!!
Joe, I agree with you, hopefully you will see a list soon...I will do some checking! You may also want to contact the Archdiocese and ask about such a list!
Lorena, I want to let you know that NOTHING is EVER LOST! Remember, God causes ALL THINGS to work together for GOOD!!! he is constantly pouring out blessings on you...even when all seems wrong! Keep the Faith! You are in my prayers!
Lorena - 01/03/2013 07:40 AM
I am currently facing one of those moments in life when all seems lost. Faith in God is the only thing that has gotten me this far. It was until recently that a friend from church spoke to me about the importance of a spiritual director. She was so persistant that she made the appointment. I can't thank her enough.
Patricia - 01/02/2013 11:36 PM
What a great topic for discussion. I have had four spiritual directors three have moved and the other didn't work out. Joe's idea of a list is a great idea!
I have been fortunate with two spiritual directors. They both brought me back to my faith. I look forward to your blog. May His peace be present.
Joe - 01/02/2013 02:39 PM
It's great to finally see a post about spiritual directors! How much better would the Church be if every Catholic had one? It would be great if the Archdiocese had a list on their website of spiritual directors that are available in the area.

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