Article Published


Statements | Friday, August 17, 2018

La respuesta a los pecados: 'no la negaci�n sino el arrepentimiento'

English Spanish

El Arzobispo Thomas Wenski hizo esta declaración el 17 de agosto de 2018, reaccionando al informe publicado por el Gran Jurado en Pensilvania sobre casos históricos de abusos.

La semana pasada, un Gran Jurado en Pensilvania publicó un inquietante informe sobre casos históricos de abusos que ocurrieron durante más de setenta años en dicho estado. Los abusos descritos en el informe son criminal y moralmente reprensibles. Esos actos, como los que se dice que cometió el ex Cardenal McCarrick, fueron traiciones de la confianza que despojaron a los sobrevivientes de su dignidad y su Fe. La Iglesia debe aprender las duras lecciones de su pasado, y debe exigirse responsabilidad tanto de los abusadores como de quienes permitieron que ocurriera el abuso.

La mayor parte de los hechos debatidos en el informe se refiere a abusos ocurridos antes de principios de la década de 2000. Al no encontrar casi ningún caso después de 2002, las conclusiones del Gran Jurado son consistentes con estudios previos que muestran que las reformas de la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos redujeron drásticamente la incidencia del abuso infantil por parte del clero. En la Arquidiócesis de Miami, nos tomamos muy en serio nuestra responsabilidad de proporcionar un entorno seguro para todos los hijos de Dios; y cualquier miembro del clero acusado creíblemente de haber abusado de un menor o de un adulto vulnerable, es removido permanentemente del ministerio.

La historia de la Iglesia y nuestra experiencia diaria dan amplia evidencia de la pecaminosidad de los miembros del cuerpo de Cristo. Pero, ¿debería sorprendernos que una Iglesia que Jesús fundó para salvar a los pecadores tenga dentro de sus filas a pecadores? Sin embargo, el hecho de que muchos  de sus miembros no vivan coherentemente la Fe que profesan, es un testimonio en contra del Evangelio. En la víspera de su elección como Papa, el Cardenal Ratzinger censuró la “inmundicia” que se encuentra dentro de la Iglesia, y luego, como Papa Benedicto, comentó que cuando el “mundo nos recuerda nuestros pecados”, la respuesta adecuada no es la negación sino el arrepentimiento.

Recemos por todas las víctimas del abuso sexual. Por que puedan comprender que lo que les sucedió no fue culpa de ellos. Que el Señor los sane. Además, recemos por aquellos sacerdotes que se esfuerzan por servir al pueblo de Dios con integridad; y, recemos unos por otros: Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, para que seamos dignos de alcanzar las promesas de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén. 

Comments from readers

Mary Brick Spencer - 08/27/2018 05:58 PM
I pray for you that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit who will guide you as sheperd of your flock and to be filled with the truth.
chuck maher - 08/22/2018 02:54 PM
The Church should promise to not use its legal arm to delay, deter,obfuscate or hinder in any way the search for truth in this matter.
Marcella - 08/19/2018 05:23 PM
I beg you Archbishop Wenski to please remove any such filth (abusers, actively gay priests, outright dissenters, and thieves) in our archdiocese. How can the Church teach what is right if its representatives are corrupt? No place is free from this evil and we know this filth is here. Please put structures in place for lay people to have a serious part of the work of this cleansing, as the people no longer trust the bishops or the Vatican to do the job. Also, let us have Masses of reparation, organized rosaries, fasting, etc. Most importantly remove the priests who are not living up to the chastity the job demands, and certainly any who are abusers. Make sure our seminarians and children are safe. We don't want silence agreements to protect priests, we want abusers of any kind to be in jail and/or dismissed after a fair hearing. We don't want any "corporate speak" and CYA. We want you to be as angry as we are. We want to see you fighting to clean up any mess we have here and in the rest of the country. If this happens we will have a springtime of faith here in the Archdiocese. If not, we will descend into the evil mire, and the churches will be empty. I have always trusted you, as a father and an honest faithful man, and we are counting on you. But you will held accountable both by us and by Christ.
Paul Schlachter - 08/18/2018 03:54 PM
The ongoing scandal, not just of clergy taking advantage of their position by forcing themselves on the young, but of the coverup by the hierarchy over decades, outrages me and everyone who looks for accountability from our leadership. I was born and lived my first two years in Pennsylvania, visiting frequently after that. It is especially unfortunate that these revelations did not come from internal study and reporting but from the secular judicial system. We understand well that we must try to resolve our conflicts among ourselves and not take our quarrels �to the pagans,� but haven�t it been the courts that uncovered the unspeakable treachery at all points? We would have expected our ordinary to express his sorrow and regret, and to confide in a reporting and review process that acts in secret and is not accountable to the people of the archdiocese. In other words: It happened somewhere else and we�re just fine here; trust us. I for one look not for public relations but accountability. The right person to make a statement at this time would be the chair of the archdiocesan Review Board or the Victim Assistance Coordinator, in other words a layperson who is actively engaged and able to judge whether our local processes are adequate to the grave scandal that affects us all.
Margaret bowra - 08/18/2018 09:06 AM
Thank you archbishop the people need to hear this so. They know nothing is being hidden This is very upsetting these men hurt children in the worst way How bad they must of hurt Jesus they will have to answer to Him I would not want any of these men near me But I know I must forgive them because Jesus will And I also know no .one is with out sin I pray for healing in our church and for God to continue to guide you

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