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Feature News | Friday, January 29, 2021

Faithful take part in Holy Hours for Life

On 48th anniversary of Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion

MIAMI | Holy Hours for Life were part of the observance of the 9 Days for Life campaign marking the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on abortion. Here are some photos from two of those Holy Hours: one at St. Mary Cathedral led by Archbishop Thomas Wenski (read his reflection here), the other at Little Flower in Coral Gables. 

Archbishop Wenski also celebrated a Mass at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami that was livestreamed nationally by the U.S. Bishops' Conference. You can read his homily here.

Blessed Trinity Parish in Miami Springs also hosted a Prayer Walk for Life Jan. 23, 2021, as part of the observance. You can read about it here.

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