Article Published


Columns | Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Enough with the killing of innocents!

Columna del editor de La Voz Católica sobre las tragedias en Gilroy, El Paso y Dayton

English Spanish

Emilio de Armas, editor of La Voz Católica.


Emilio de Armas, editor of La Voz Católica.

One of the worst scourges of current American life – the sudden killings of people gathered in public places, at the hands of assassins both unpredictable and well-armed – has escalated to the point of becoming a social cancer; and as of now, it has been impossible to adopt efficient measures to prevent, or at least, diminish its frequency and mortality.

Many of these killings – such as the most recent ones in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton – are rooted in racism, xenophobia, homophobia or simply blind hatred of others, in some cases even children or young students, a forthright indicator of social schizophrenia.

Faced with such horrors, we hear the oft-repeated mantra that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” – as if a gun of high quality and high cost were not necessary for a single individual to exterminate several dozen people in a few seconds. And with each new killing, sales of high-quality and high-cost guns multiply. Those who promote the sale of guns, and armed control over society, even take advantage of these episodes of violence to propose the presence of paramilitary personnel in schools and other public places.

But this violence, which once seemed part of the history of the Old West, or of densely populated cities and marginal neighborhoods, has now expanded not only to every corner of the nation but to nearly every sphere of life. Political campaigns are proof of this: invective replaces argument, and brutal offense replaces intelligent irony.

The concept of demonstrable truth has lost, in a very short time, a great deal of its weight when it comes to explaining or defending an opinion or supporting a fact, while authoritarian affirmation imposes itself in the political discourse of the U.S., something which points to the growth of totalitarian tendencies in the development of society.

As a result of official pronouncements, immigrants and their descendants have become alleged “thieves, rapists, killers and drug traffickers.” And to dissuade those who come seeking freedom, security and economic opportunity for themselves and their families, immigrants are forced to endure not only the just and necessary legal processes of immigration or deportation, but severe conditions of detention and punishment, one of the most egregious being the separation of parents from their children, some of whom might have a very difficult time reuniting. Some children have died in the custody of immigration authorities, and the blame has been placed on their parents’ irresponsibility in bringing them along, as if the jailers were guardian angels.

The United States has a beautiful history based on the values of compassion and generosity, both of which are cornerstones of Christianity. But no nation can survive the systematic negation of its history and its values, and that is what is at stake right now.

Enough with the killing of innocents!

Comments from readers

Rodrigo Rodriguez - 08/21/2019 03:55 PM
Querido hermano en Cristo, muchas gracias por tu articulo, pero estas analizando desde el punto propagado por los falsos noticieros de ahora. La matanza que estamos sufriendo desde hace mucho tiempo esta íntimamente relacionada con los mas de 60 millones de bebes abortados hasta el momento en nuestra nación, la Divina Justicia ha sido olvidada, en muchas apariciones de nuestra Madre del Cielo y a través de varios místicos hemos sido avisados de las consecuencias que esta matanza nos trae, pues reclama la venganza de Nuestro Creador, es un factor importante de como nuestros pastores han abandonado la predicación del Evangelio de la Vida, publicado por el Santo Juan Pablo ll, nosotros los fieles también cargamos culpa, ya que no hacemos suficiente oración, penitencia y ayuno para reparar este grave pecado social. Sobre el tema de los emigrantes ilegales, ya usted los unió a los emigrantes legales de esta gran nación y eso es un grave error, pues el uno esta en contra de las leyes del país, que hay que obedecer, los pastores de la Iglesia Católica están en grave error, pues ellos parten de la creencia que no deben de haber frontera, pertenecen a la política globalista, la cual propagan nuestros enemigos, que son muchos, es mas si nuestros pastores se concentraran en la predicación de las enseñanzas de la ética moral y los pecados sociales de nuestra ya lacerada sociedad, en lugar de entrometerse en el cumplimiento de las leyes del país, le aseguro que no estaríamos en tal confusión, Nuetro Señor lo explica bien en su Evangelio, "al Cesar lo que es del Cesar y a Dios lo que es de Dios". Espero que ya pronto despertemos y nos pongamos a hacer lo que siempre debemos, orar, penar y ayunar para reparar tanto pecado, hace ya rato la copa de la Justicia Divina esta desbordada, es hora de hacerlo. Que Dios en su infinita Misericordia se apiade de este nuestro pueblo!!!

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