Article Published


Statements | Friday, January 11, 2019

Los obispos piden una soluci�n fronteriza y poner fin al cierre del gobierno

English Spanish


WASHINGTON | El Obispo Joseph Vásquez, de Austin, Texas, Presidente del Comité de Migración de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) emitió un comunicado instando al Presidente Trump y a los líderes del Congreso a crear una solución en la frontera y a poner fin al cierre del Gobierno.

El comunicado completo del Obispo Vásquez es el siguiente:

“Asegurar las fronteras y tratar humanamente a quienes huyen de la persecución y buscan una vida mejor son dos aspectos que no se excluyen mutuamente. Estados Unidos puede garantizar ambas cosas y debe hacerlo sin inculcar miedo ni sembrar odio. Continuaremos abogando por una reforma migratoria para promover el bien común y abordar estos temas.

El Papa Francisco afirma que los migrantes no son estadísticas, sino personas con sentimientos que necesitan protección continua. De nuestro trabajo al servicio de inmigrantes y refugiados a lo largo de la frontera de EE.UU./México, en el interior de Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo, sabemos que esto es cierto. Instamos a los legisladores a mirar más allá de la retórica y recordar la dignidad humana que Dios nuestro Padre nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros simplemente porque todos somos Sus hijos.

El Presidente y los líderes del Congreso necesitan ponerse de acuerdo y terminar el cierre del Gobierno con una solución que reconozca la dignidad del trabajo de los empleados afectados, respete la humanidad de todos sin importar su situación migratoria y proteja la santidad de la vida humana”.

Comments from readers

Gustavo - 01/17/2019 11:14 PM
Well said Charles. The one thing all those great Catholic thinkers and writers had in common was they were all pre-Vatican II. If someone is sincerely interested in a common-sense solution to the immigration crisis in this country and the world over read what St Thomas Aquinas has to say about it. Simple, just google it. It definitely is not politically correct, and it may even get you called "xenophobic" and "racist" by many in the Church hierarchy, but it is the *truth*.
Charles - 01/16/2019 09:50 PM
In regards to Bishop Vasquez's comments, I totally agree with securing our borders but respecting the dignity of the immigrants. However, there's something that needs to be looked at in regards to immigration. It is nothing new, migration of man has always occured since the dawn of mankind's history. Many I think do not want to study history of migration and find out the reasons why for such mass migration of population from one continent or country to another; economic depression, policital turmoil, wars, plagues, natural disasters etc. The United States of course, became a place for immigrants as we all know. But now, in current times, what can be said for the problems of immigration today? It seems difficult to have a proper discussion of immigration with fellow U.S. citizens and I am sure that its because of again not looking at history of mass migration of population across the world. I would suggest that bishops and fellow Catholics look to the restoration of local economies worldwide rather than on solely global trade, such as 'Distributism' or 'Distributive Justice', an economic concept suggested by Catholic writers as G. K. Chesterton, Pope Leo XIII and Hillaire Belloc. It's not to suggest here to reduce immigration, but rather that government politicians here and abroad need to realize our global economy is not the answer to poverty, but again that an economic concept that focuses more on local economies, expansion and restoration of more individual farming and agriculture, more humane uses of modern technologies and a better understanding of the dignity of the human person.

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