

Meet the Blogger - Tony Magliano

Internationally syndicated social justice and peace columnist.

Currently serving as outreach coordinator for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami in Monroe County; archdiocesan coordinator for Catholic Relief Services' Rice Bowl campaign and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Previously served as director of Christian Formation at Lancaster Catholic High School in Pennsylvania; special assistant for Public Policy at Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware; assistant director of Emergency Food Services for Associated Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Washington; director of religious education for two Maryland parishes; and pastoral care minister for a parish in Prior Lake, Minnesota.

Author of “Moonlight Miracle,” a children's book on global solidarity published by Paulist Press, and “Cracks in the Sidewalk,” a children’s book highlighting God’s many blessings, published by Eastern Christian Publications.

Married to Denise; two sons and a granddaughter.

Available to speak at diocesan or parish gatherings about Catholic social teaching. Contact  [email protected].

Blog Archive

Publish Date Section Title
7/10/2023 Let's Talk Blog The world's refugee crisis
6/5/2023 Let's Talk Blog Dangerously ignored: Prophetic encyclical 'Peace on Earth'
5/1/2023 Let's Talk Blog Workers' rights often do not exist
2/27/2023 Let's Talk Blog And so we fight!
1/30/2023 Let's Talk Blog I was 'a stranger and you gave me no welcome'
12/5/2022 Let's Talk Blog Pope Francis: 'Please be pacifists'
9/12/2022 Let's Talk Blog 'Christianity is the world's most persecuted religion'
7/18/2022 Let's Talk Blog Heading toward a global food catastrophe
5/16/2022 Let's Talk Blog Disarming our hearts, disarming the world
3/7/2022 Let's Talk Blog 'Let us not forget: War is madness'

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