Water and Light
Monday, August 26, 2024
*Fr. Matthew Gomez
When I was in seminary, our rector often reminded us of the importance of remembering our Baptism. He drilled it into us in such a way that I often preach on our Baptismal reality. Why the emphasis? When we recognize that as the foundation of our Christian life, all vocations and really our entire lives spring from the waters of Baptism. It is there that our parents and godparents were given the Light of Christ to keep burning, and how our world needs the Light of Christ today!
I bring this up because I recently had the opportunity to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. Our Blessed Mother has been pursuing my heart for a while now, but that is another blog for another day. I knew though, that something big was going to happen on our pilgrimage. I thought it would come in Paray Le Monial as we prayed in the Chapel of the Apparitions where Jesus revealed His Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque. I thought it would come presiding Mass at the tomb of St. John Vianney in Ars. Alas, our Blessed Mother had the final word.
When you arrive at Lourdes, there are two big things that draw attention: the candlelight rosary procession and the baths. Upon arriving at Lourdes and praying the rosary with my candle I felt the Church come alive. We were all responding in unison in our native language; the great sign of unity in diversity that is most perfectly found in the Church. It was truly a recognition that our Blessed Mother is interceding for us at every moment.
The next day we had the opportunity to engage in the water gesture. Since Covid, they had stopped doing the full immersion bath. They explained to us that Mary told St. Bernadette to wash her hands and face and drink the water. I told the volunteer who explained that if it was good enough for St. Bernadette, it was good enough for me. And was it!!! As I began to wash my face, I could not tell where the water finished and the tears began.
As I continue to pray through the graces I have received, I am convinced that our Blessed Mother wants all of us to remember our Baptism. As soon as we begin to live our baptismal reality, our lives will change. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead was freely given to us at our Baptism, but we sometimes live in a fear or worse, indifference. Every time we see a lighted candle or dip our fingers in Holy Water, let us remember the promises our parents and godparents made on the day of our Baptism; the same promises we renew at Easter.
May our Blessed Mother intercede for us as we go back to basics and live our Baptism!
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