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Feature News | Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Anne Gardner: 45 years serving others

'Church lady' served as pastoral assistant, director of religious ed at several parishes, most recently St. Sebastian

Anne Gardner, so much part of St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale, talks to the Florida Catholic about her years spent at the parish as she gets ready to retire.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Anne Gardner, so much part of St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale, talks to the Florida Catholic about her years spent at the parish as she gets ready to retire.

FORT LAUDERDALE | Following in her mother’s example of serving the Lord and his Church, Anne Gardner has walked her own life-long journey of service.

“My mother was secretary at St. Timothy in Miami. I was about 10 or 11 when I would go in and help do little jobs,” said Gardner, 67, who is currently wrapping up nearly 30 years of service at St. Sebastian Church in Fort Lauderdale.

She has served there as pastoral assistant and director of religious education, and according to parishioners, “a one-man-show.”

“We all love Annie,” said parishioner Frank Krauser, a member of St. Sebastian’s pastoral council. “She is a saint, a generous person. If someone is in need of help, Annie is the first person to step up to help.”

The parish is planning a retirement party for Gardner June 15, 2024, following the 5 p.m. vigil Mass. Invitations went out to the entire parish family, encouraging them to attend the celebration in a “show of appreciation” for the “church lady,” fondly known as Annie.

According to long-time parishioners, Gardner has held down the fort, played many roles, taken charge behind the scenes and made things happen through the parish’s decades of good times and bad, weddings, funerals, baptisms and milestone events over the decades.

“She is a dominating force in the parish, who gets things done,” said Krauser. “She works six days a week, never takes a vacation and shows up at all the weekend Masses to make sure everything is done and gets off on time.”

Anne Gardner plays around during a fish fry and auction at St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale. She is retiring from her long-time position at the parish.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Anne Gardner plays around during a fish fry and auction at St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale. She is retiring from her long-time position at the parish.

A native of New York, Gardner was only a baby when her late parents, Francis and Theresa Gardner, moved to South Florida. Gardner has a brother living in New York, but no immediate family here: only her church family, which she loves.

Parishioners apparently love her as well. “I have known Annie for 20 years,” said Elizabeth Calhoun. “She is very compassionate, humble, faithful. She knows everyone in the parish and is dedicated to the Church. She runs everything. She wears many hats.”

Settling in Miami, the Gardner family found St. Timothy Parish and School, where young Annie grew up, went to Catholic school and received her sacraments. After St. Timothy, Gardner attended Our Lady of Lourdes Academy in Miami, an all-girls school staffed by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

After high school, Gardner headed to Barry University in Miami Shores, to fulfill what she saw as her calling or vocation. “I wanted to be a director of religious education,” she said.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in religious studies and a master’s in religious education administration from Barry, Gardner landed her dream job: director of religious education at St. Clement Parish in Fort Lauderdale. It was 1978, and the pastor was Father Patrick McDonnell, who later was elevated to a monsignor. At one point, Gardner also took on the pastoral assistant position, and served the parish for 17 years.

“My mom was an example,” said Gardner, pausing to recall her mom’s battle with cancer. “My mother went to the Lord in 1975. She was 47.”

Not satisfied with a master’s degree, Gardner continued to pursue studies part-time at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. She finally earned a theology degree after years of study that required her to commute 60 or more miles back and forth to the school on her days off from work.


File photo of Anne Gardner and Msgr. Patrick McDonnell, former pastor of St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale, at the site where a parish hall was built in 1995.

Photographer: CPURTESY PHOTO

File photo of Anne Gardner and Msgr. Patrick McDonnell, former pastor of St. Sebastian Parish in Fort Lauderdale, at the site where a parish hall was built in 1995.

Gardner came to St. Sebastian in Fort Lauderdale in 1995 to assist her former boss, now Msgr. McDonnell and pastor of that parish family. She stepped into the religious education director position and served as assistant to the priest whom parishioners fondly called “Father Pat.”

Over time, Msgr. McDonnell developed multiple health issues. But with his Irish humor and upbeat personality, he continued to live life to the fullest even when diabetes took his leg, part of an arm and his hand.

When he died in 2006, his obituary said Gardner has become his right hand. She helped in his care and “kept him going enabling him to serve God and his beloved people,” the obituary stated.

Much-beloved Msgr. McDonnell would address many needs of the parish during his tenure, with Gardner at his side to help where need be. He expanded a ministry to young people; completed a parish multipurpose building that includes a banquet hall and the Chapel of the Divine Healer; and installed a stained-glass window, St. Sebastian’s hallmark, depicting a boat with sails and a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

“Father Pat discovered the needs of the people,” said Gardner. “Our whole parish was united helping with the parish hall and chapel.”

In the decades to come, she would go on to help Father Pat’s successors as pastors of St. Sebastian, including Father Liam Quinn and, most recently, Msgr. James Fetscher.

File photo of Anne Gardner and Msgr. Patrick McDonnell, former pastor of St. Sebastian Parish, in a cart exploring the parish grounds in 1995 when both arrived at the parish in Fort Lauderdale.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

File photo of Anne Gardner and Msgr. Patrick McDonnell, former pastor of St. Sebastian Parish, in a cart exploring the parish grounds in 1995 when both arrived at the parish in Fort Lauderdale.

She would also continue in her ministry of passing on the faith, forming children for the sacraments and training youngsters and parishioners to take on service jobs. She was also present during people’s sad times and celebrations, and worked behind the scenes to help with all the parish events.

At the 2012 Catechetical Day, she was honored for her dedication to catechesis with the Archdiocese of Miami’s Lifetime Catechetical Achievement Award.

Judy Fisher is a volunteer in St. Sebastian’s parish office. She said she has known Gardner for nearly 25 years, first getting to know her through the carefully planned and beautifully orchestrated Holy Week and Easter celebrations that Gardner helps stage to better help people experience this special time of the Church year.

“She is so dedicated,” said Fisher. “She has dedicated her life to the Church. She heads up everything at the parish. Everyone wants to honor her and thank her on her retirement.”


Father Ernest Biriruka came to the parish as pastor in June 2023. Gardner will continue to help him until her last day, June 22.

What will life be like for her in her golden years?

“I am sure it will be an adjustment,” said Gardner. “I will miss my work at St. Sebastian and shed tears,” tears of joy mixed with sadness and nostalgia.

Gardner said she hopes to spend more time with her long-haired dachshund, Honey, a puppy she rescued and treats like a child. She is looking for opportunities to do volunteer work. Also in her plans is a trip to Rome, headquarters of the Church and its leader.

“I am sure someone will step into my shoes,” said Gardner. “God will open a new door for me. It’s the Lord’s work. I am just an instrument.” 

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