By Florida Catholic staff - Florida Catholic

MIAMI | Following are the official enrollment data on Catholic schools for the 2023/24 school year, based upon enrollment numbers in October. Schools Superintendent Jim Rigg characterized it as “very good news,” since “this is the highest enrollment we have had in at least 10 years.
- 35,028 — total enrollment in 64 Catholic schools in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties, including independent Catholic schools and stand-alone preschools.
- 4.1% — increase above the 2022/23 numbers; fourth straight year of enrollment increases
- 50% — highest enrollment increase at one school, Good Shepherd in Miami, which received 110 new students
- 61 of 64 — number of schools that are full or experiencing enrollment increases
- 7 of 9 — high schools that have waiting lists
“I have growing concerns about overall capacity in our school system,” Rigg said. “We have areas of the archdiocese where there are simply not enough seats in our schools, such as south Miami-Dade and southwest Broward.”