Article Published


Press Release | Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Agustin Roman dies at 83

First Cuban to be appointed bishop in the U.S.

English Spanish


Bishop Agustin Roman, May 5, 1928-April 11, 2012


Bishop Agustin Roman, May 5, 1928-April 11, 2012

The Archdiocese of Miami announces the death of retired Auxiliary Bishop Agustín Román, who died in Miami on Wednesday, April 11, at the age of 83.


Bishop Román suffered a cardiac arrest at the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity. The bishop was transported to Mercy Hospital and, following extensive attempts at resuscitation, was pronounced dead shortly before 8:45 p.m.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski stated, "The Archdiocese of Miami has lost a great evangelizer who tirelessly preached the Gospel to all. And the Cuban nation has lost a great patriot. Bishop Roman was the Felix Varela of our time."

Appointed auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Miami in 1979, Bishop Román was the first Cuban to be appointed bishop in the U.S. He left Cuba in 1961 after being expelled by Fidel Castro's regime. Bishop Román came to Miami in 1966, where he founded the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity, Cuba's patroness. He oversaw its construction and remained active there even after retiring as its rector and as Miami auxiliary bishop, and up to the last days of his life.

Click here for an extensive biography of Bishop Román.

Comments from readers

Magaly Llaguno - 04/16/2012 02:57 PM

Our beloved Bishop Roman was a great evangelizer, a defender of human life and the family. He was a supporter of the pro-life efforts of our organization Human Life International (HLI), for many years. He gave his pro-life testimony during a meeting HLI organized in Miami years ago for its Hispanic affiliates from 22 countries. He told us that his mother's doctor pressured her to abort, saying that she was running a great risk giving birth to him.
I attended his funeral last Saturday and many of those present including me, were crying out "Santo Subito!." He was a truly holy bishop, very humble. I loved him and respected him very much, having known him for over 35 years.
On one ocassion, on Mother's Day, he called me to congratulate me and thank me for my pro-life work. Just two weeks before he died, when he was already very ill, he called me at our HLI office in Miami and asked me to please respond to a tv program in Spanish, in which abortion was being promoted. I did. I believe he's in Heaven and will continue to support our pro-life efforts.
Thank you Monse�or Roman, please pray for those of us who are in the front lines of the international pro-life movement!
In Jesus and Mary of Guadalupe,
Mrs.Magaly Llaguno OCDS
Vida Humana Internacional
Human Life International's Hispanic Division in Miami
Carlota E. Morales, Ed. D. - 04/16/2012 10:38 AM
The Cubans lost a great leader, but most importantly, the Univesal Church has lost an example of someone who lived to evangelize. A servant above all, his desire was to bring the word of the Lord and His message to all.
Deep feelings are often expressed in few words. Therefore, I extend my deepest sympathy to his family, to the Church and to all who mourn him. May he rest in peace and may he intercede for all of us.
Carlota E. Morales, Ed. D.
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School
John May Jr - 04/15/2012 10:32 PM
I only had a short experience with Bishop Roman. I attended a Mass at Our Lady of Charity Shrine which he concelebrated with Fr. Jordi Rivero. After the Mass I received the sacrament of Penance from Bishop Roman.
My personal impression was that he lived his vocation as a true servant of God... a holy man.
Lazara Ramirez - 04/14/2012 06:39 PM
Monse�or Agustin Roman ha dejado un legado para todos, aun para nosotros los jovenes adultos. El era un hombre Santo, caminando entre nosotros. Nuestra tierra, Cuba, fue grandemente bendecida con un SIERVO como el. Aun recuerdo sus cortas reflexiones todas las ma�anas en Radio Paz. Siempre admire su profunda entrega, humildad, patriotismo y pasion por Cristo. Hoy no esta entre nosotros, pero desde el cielo se que esta intesediendo por todo el pueblo de Miami y sobre todo por Cuba. Descanza en paz! Estoy segura que en la casa del Padre nos volveremos a encontrar.
Dora Amador - 04/14/2012 03:21 PM
Querido Monse�or Rom�n, siempre estar� en mi coraz�n. Tantos recuerdos acuden a mi memoria, en que siempre, siempre, no importa lo dif�cil de la situaci�n en Cuba o aqu�, o en momentos de compartir sencillo, o de pedirle consejo, siempre, Monse�or, con la sencilleza y el amor de Cristo me acogi�, fue un pastor, un amigo, un verdadero evangelizador.
Querido Monse�or, cu�nto lo quiero. Lo que m�s me llega en estos d�as es ver el v�deo que pasan por la televisi�n, usted caminando rumbo al mar, mirando hacia Cuba. Pero ya todo pas�, su sacrificio, su entrega, todo est� recogido en las manos de Dios. Hasta pronto, en la casa del Padre, donde espero reencontrarlo, para la dicha eterna.
Dora Amador
Sara F. Tamame - 04/14/2012 12:10 PM
Our beloved Mon. Agust�n Rom�n is now with our Lord. He served our Lord faithfully. His humbleness and humility is remembered by not only the Cuban community but by anyone who were honored and blessed to know him. I'm sadden by his loss but now that he is with our Lord I'm certain that in the coumunion of Saints he'll be praying for everyone but specially for all Cubans, those of us here in exile as well as those in our home country. SANTO SUBITO. His life is proof of his sainthood. Sara F. Tamame
Sergio M Capablanca - 04/14/2012 12:37 AM
�Ay de mi si no evangelizare! Eso lo viv� y difundi� con una transparencia y humildad encomiable. San Antonio de los Ba�os y la Ciudad de Miami han perdido un hijo ilustre pero desde el cielo, el contin�a evangelizando para que nosotros tambi�n podamos encontrarnos nuevamente en la paz eterna. Gracias Monse�or.
Maria E. Semper - 04/13/2012 11:45 PM
Our beloved Bishop Monsignor Agustin Roman has past away. The Semper family was blessed to know him from Padre Varela School in Colon, Matanzas to the present time and it is a duty to give testimony. It was a gift of God having to know him. Monsignor Roman was a visionary, a dreamer. His perseverance and enthusiasm will give strength to others and moved forward what at times seemed impossible. Giving the most of himself always and asking humbly for the least, he will little by little move forward huge dreams and projects. Those close to him know that up to the very end he never stopped. He was a great teacher that with very simple words will always teach. There was not one homily or speech where you wouldn't learn something new and understand him well. Monsignor Roman was a true man of God, who dedicated his life to Evangelize. A man who seeks justice and love for all. He was kind and gentle yet always spoke the truth. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit were abundantly and certainly showered upon him. We all know he was chosen by God to accomplish HIS mission. "A prophet and a Saint of our modern times" as father Castaneda described him at Mass Thursday night. We will miss Monsignor Roman, but his memory and teachings will always be with us. As we will walk through the Ermita de la Caridad through the years, for generations to come, every corner, every detail, will remind us of his teachings, his love of God and the Church. We also know Monsignor Roman has accomplished his biggest dream, his biggest project, that is to be resting in peace in the presence of Our Lord in heaven. From there, he will be caring and interceding for us. Monsignor Roman, please, pray for us.
Maria E. Semper
Sister Florinda Bermudez - 04/13/2012 05:58 PM
Las Religiosas del Apostolado conocimos a Mons. Roman desde que estaba en el Seminario y casi lo adoptamos en el sentido de orar por �l durante toda su formaci�n y por supuesto tambi�n despu�s. Mantuvimos contacto con �l hasta que el Se�or se lo llev� al Cielo. El nos apreciaba mucho a nosotras. Yo particularmente pude tener la dicha de conocerlo bastante y trabajar con �l directamente en ocasiones importantes como fue la preparaci�n del Congreso Eucar�stico en Philadelphia, en el bicentenario de los E.U. Siempre lo recuerdo como a una persona completamente de Dios, muy humilde y sencillo, siempre dispuesto a ayudar a todos por el bien de sus almas. Estoy segura que ya Dios lo tiene recibiendo el premio de su vida dedicada a la Virgen de la Caridad y a Cuba y por supuesto a los cubanos. Creo que ahora nos toca encomendarnos a �l para que nos ayude a llegar a Jes�s por Mar�a.
Alain Ernesto Garcia - 04/13/2012 02:10 PM
Monsenor Roman as he is well know, was a true pastor with a humble personality. Always available for preaching the Gospel as much as possible, and that was precisely his life's goal. A pastor of souls no matter race, nationalities or social class level. A Cuban exiled, but being impossible for him to go to Cuba he never forgot his loved island. At any moment in the Ermita asking to Cuban visitors about the Church's life in Cuba. Also, he was a financial helper behind the construction of new temples in Cuba and the maintenance of it. Additionally he was open to find ways of help to any poor candidate to the priesthood. I will keep him in my heart. Thank you Lord Jesus for the life of our dear Monsenor Roman. Amen.
Deacon Marco Fernandez - 04/13/2012 11:36 AM
I have always stood in awe of this man of God. When, as a teen in the late 70's, I was trying to sort out my life I'd spend some time at the "Ermita." If I was there at lunch time, he'd insist in taking me to the house and share with him and the nuns the catered food, "la cantina." He did it so lovingly that it was impossible to turn him down, even if I felt bad about shorting them of food. I treasure those memories.

But this is the same man of courage and conviction that stood firm for the truth he lived. Having been corrected by him on one occasion, I remember well the shame and sorrow I felt- but it was loving, paternal, firm correction. He truly embodied the Servant Leader.

Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine, secundum verbum tuum in pace: Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare tuum
Quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum:
Lumen ad revelationem gentium, et gloriam plebis tuae Israel.

-Requiescat in pace
Aleida Fernandez - 04/13/2012 11:27 AM
Gracias al Senor por habernos regalado a este gran siervo de Dios que es Monsenor Agustin Roman. "Es" y no "era", pues los hombres como Monsenor Roman siempre quedan vivos para el pueblo que tuvo el honor de conocerlo y de aprender de su gran ejemplo de sencillez y amor en Cristo. Asi como el Padre Felix Varela y como Monsenor Boza Masvidal, Monsenor Roman es siempre y antes que nada el ejemplo vivo de servicio a los demas. Aprendamos de ellos que pusieron antes que nada ni nadie a Jesucristo, Nuestro Senor. Dios lo ha llamado en los dias de Pascua, asi como lo hizo con el Beato Juan Pablo II. Es altamente significativo este tiempo y Dios nos esta diciendo con ello, que una Nueva Pascua se acerca para los cubanos donde quiera que nos encontremos, pero particularmente ahora que justo acaba de visitar nuestra tierra Su Santidad Benedicto XVI. Este es una senal de esperanza, de que Dios esta con nosotros, pero tenemos que orar mas fuerte aun, y dar gracias a Dios por todo, aun las terribles pruebas que nos ha tocado vivir. El silencio de Dios habla mas que miles de palabras y Dios nos sigue hablando a traves de un silencio de 53 anos de exilio, pero El sabe el porque de esta prolongada prueba. Sigamos orando, confiando, esperando en Cristo. Descanse nuestro querido siervo Monsenor Agustin Roman en la paz de Cristo y brille para el la luz perpetua. Desde alli ya el ha podido vislumbrar la libertad de Cuba. Desde el Cielo y junto al Padre Varela y Monsenor Boza Masvidal, Monsenor Agustin Roman nos bendice. Ellos representan la antorcha de fe que arde y ardera para todos los cubanos donde quiera que se encuentren. Ellos nos alumbran el camino correcto que es Cristo; miremos hacia la luz y encontraremos el camino de la salvacion. Para su familia nuestras mas sentidas condolencias. Sra. Aleida Fernandez y Diacono Jose Ramon Fernandez, New Jersey.
Fr. P. D. Lickman - 04/13/2012 11:09 AM
The Most Rev.Francis Mansour Zayek, an Eastern Catholic, and Bishop of the Maronite Apostolic Exarchate since it was established in 1966 and afterwards when it was raised to an Eparchy in 1971 by Pope Paul VI, was born in Manzanilla, Cuba.

In view of this, can it be said of Bishop Roman that this wonderful man was the first Cuban bishop in the USA? In his humility, he would be the first to disown that title.

Rev. P. D. Lickman
Betty Mendez - 04/13/2012 09:11 AM
Descanse en paz un gran guerrero de los ejercitos del Se�or, gracias Monse�or por su plena dedicacion al exilio cubano, por todos los buenos consejos y la inspiracion que nos dio a serle mas fieles a nuestro Dios cada dia. La Ermita es su legado de paz, arduo trabajo, pasion y amor. Ya descansas en los brazos de nuestro Padre Celestial, fiel pastor. Te recordare siempre con cari�o y extra�are no verte cuando visite la Ermita.
Deacon Isidoro Villa - 04/13/2012 05:35 AM
Gracias Dios mio por el regalo de Monse�or Agust�n Rom�n.
Fue mi querido Monse�or Agust�n Rom�n, el que present� y encomend� a mis tres hijos ante nuestra Santa Madre, la Siempre Virgen Mar�a en la Ermita, hace ya unos cuanto a�os. Gracias Monse�or por su ejemplo, por sus consejos y por su cari�oso y afectuoso amor hacia mi persona, mi familia y mi movimiento familiar de Impactos. Esto no es un Adi�s definitivo sino un te volveremos a ver.

El Alma de Monse�or Agust�n Rom�n y las almas de todos los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz.
Thank You, my God for the gift of Bishop Agust�n Rom�n.

It was my dear Bishop Agust�n Rom�n, who presented and entrusted my three children to our Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary in the Ermita, just a few years ago. Thank Bishop by your example, for your advices and for your loving and affectionate love for me, my family and my family movement Impactos. This is not a final goodbye but a see you again.

May the soul of Monsignor Agust�n Rom�n and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Mimi Leon - 04/13/2012 02:36 AM
Que nuestro querido Mons Roman haya partido a la casa del Padre durante la celebracion de la Pascua es un signo de esperanza para todos;
Yo me he sentido como los apostoles cuando perdieron a Jesus, su Pastor.
Y ahora que sera de sus ovejas sin su Obispo me pregunte? Como sera nuestro futuro? Medite y el Senor me dijo:
El resucitara en sus corazones si son fieles a sus predicaciones y a sus ejemplos de vida. Gracias querido Obispo por compartir su vida con nosotros.
RICARDO GRZONA - 04/13/2012 12:56 AM
Monse�or Agust�n Rom�n, ha sido el hombre de la Iglesia que nos ha recibido a todos los hispanos que nos trasladamos a vivir al sur de la Florida. Siendo �l cubano de coraz�n, tambi�n todos los hispanoamericanos que lleg�bamos a verlo, conversar con �l asistir a las Eucarist�as que presid�a, sent�amos la presencia amorosa de un padre, que nos ense�� que la Iglesia no tiene fronteras. Ninguno se sinti� un forastero a su lado. Todos fuimos hijos peregrinos de la Iglesia y hermanados entre s�. Gracias al pueblo e Iglesia cubana que forjaron tal pastor y nos lo dieron de misionero. Gracias Monse�or Rom�n, quedar� en mi coraz�n y en mi alma su entrega por la Iglesia y el entusiasmo evangelizador. Desde el cielo, ore por nosotros para que sigamos con su �mpetu misionero. Descanse en paz, nuestro amado pastor
Teresa Pardo - 04/13/2012 12:29 AM
r.i.p Monse�or Agust�n Rom�n your legacy will live forever in the heart of every cuban exile hopefully one day where ever you are you will see what you so vigorously worked for come to life and the people who extridited you for being a priest and not giving up your beliefs be gone you will forever be missed and La Hermita de la Caridad will never be same without you
Frank B. Albaijes - 04/13/2012 12:19 AM
Make no mistake, this was a holy man. His life was an imitation of Christ. Agustinus Episcopus Requiescat In Pace.
Aldo Longagnani - 04/12/2012 06:09 PM
Monsignor Roman was the bishop that actually confirmed me so I will always remember him. He really was a kind and amazing person, just by his prescence I would feel blessed. I am proud to say that I was an alter server during a confirmation he did. He was an atentive person who would always go out of his way to help people and was incredibly generous. I hope he rests in peace and goes to heaven. I am going to miss him.
TONY SABORIDO - 04/12/2012 05:26 PM
Teresa Fern�ndez Soneira - 04/12/2012 02:46 PM
Monse�or Rom�n fue un gran amigo, un gran patrocinador, un gran cubano y un sacerdote santo. Ya descansa junto al Padre y desde all� ver� a su querida Cuba de nuevo. Monse�or interceder� por todos nosotros y por la libertad de Cuba. En el tenemos un auxilio seguro y constante. Monse�or, lo echaremos mucho de menos.
Barbara Asfendis, President - 04/12/2012 02:23 PM
On behalf of the members of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, we will always be grateful to Bishop Agust�n Roman for being inspirational with the MACCW Indian Mass program. The picture of him with the Seminole and Micosukee Indians in front of St. Mary Cathedral brings back very fond and beautiful memories. I will remember him as the essence of humility and always felt truly blessed when in his presence. May he rest in peace with the Lord.
Gladys Quintana - 04/12/2012 02:18 PM
Monsenor Roman, que descanze en paz en los brazos de Nuestro Senor, que ya lo estaba esperando. Gracias Monsenor por todo lo que hizo por todo nuestro pueblo. Gracias Monsenor porque un dia cuando fui a cursillo de cristiandad, usted llego a mi cursillo, y solamente su presencia significo tanto para mi y todas las mujeres del cursillo # 153, nos toco el corazon. Algun dia nos encontraremos todos de nuevo. Gracias por el ejemplo que fue y es para todos nosotros! Lo queremos mucho monsenor, Bendiciones!
John Suarez - 04/12/2012 02:13 PM
Muchas gracias Monse�or Rom�n! A great Cuban, a great priest & wonderful human being has been called home. I am saddened because we no longer have your physical presence among us. requiescat in pace
Maritza C Alvarez - 04/12/2012 02:03 PM
Monse�or Rom�n, su p�rdida es inmensa pero su ejemplo nos seguir� guiando a todos en la comunidad. Trabajar con usted fue un honor para muchos, entre ellos yo, su gran amor a Dios, Su Madre y a Su Iglesia fueron siempre sin l�mites, por eso estamos seguros que debe estar gozando de la presencia de nuestro Se�or y desde ah� seguir� pidiendo la intersecci�n Divina para lo que fue su primera opci�n despu�s del servicio a Dios y el amor al pr�jimo, Cuba y los cubanos, los de aqu� y los de all�. No pudo regresar f�sicamente a su querida tierra, no pudo ir al Cobre como era su deseo hacer cuando hiciera su primer viaje a Cuba, pero ahora ya podr� caminar por todos esos caminos y senderos sin que nadie se lo impida y hacer que todos los cubanos veamos en Cristo Se�or la verdadera libertad que transforma al mundo. Descanse en la Paz del Se�or y siga rogando por nosotros.
Maria Cristina Garcia de Lascurain - 04/12/2012 01:51 PM
Muchas gracias Monse�or Rom�n por su guia y ejemplo de buen pastor.En nombre de Monse�or Rafael Mar�a Febres-Cordero, Caracas, Venezuela, y la familia Athletae Christi agradecemos a Dios la oportunidad de haberle conocido y compartido con Ud.
Confiamos que continuar� intercediendo por todos nosotros.
Descanse en paz Monse�or Rom�n y brille para Ud. la luz perpetua.
Luis, Grisell,Luisito,Hectico &Raymon Duran - 04/12/2012 01:41 PM
Querido Monsenor, Tratamos de apagar la tistesa de su ausencia fisica con la fe y la satisfacion de saber que renacio a los brazos de Maria nuestra Madre en el cielo y porque no felizes porque estamos seguros que tenemos un hermano mas, que ha vivido de manera santa en este mundo orando y cuidandonos no solo a nosotros los de aca, si no tambien a su amado pueblo de CUBA, Descanse en paz y hasta siempre.
Matthew Gomez - 04/12/2012 01:39 PM
It is a sad day for the Church as we mourn the loss of a great man, a great priest, and a great friend. It is truly a blessing to have known Bishop Roman and to have been impacted by his priesthood and his life. I pray that one day, I can model my priesthood after him.

He will be missed dearly, but, thanks to the mysteries we celebrated less than one week ago, we know that this "missing" is only temporary. We will, one day, enjoy what he is now enjoying.

Bishop Roman, rest in peace, and pray for us.
Teresita de Jesus Font - 04/12/2012 01:18 PM
La humanidad perdio un gran Embajador de Dios y el cielo a ganado un gran Embajador de la humanidad! ahora se encuentra sentado en la mesa del Senor.
D.E.P. Mons. Roman.
Ana Ortiz - 04/12/2012 01:16 PM
Thank you Mons. Roman for your humility and authenticity. Thank you for consecrating my grand daughter, Sophia, to our Blessed Mother Mary, only two weeks ago. You blessed her and prayed the Hail Mary before the image of our Lady of Charity at La Ermita. For this, I am so grateful. Rest in Peace.
Norma Rodriguez - 04/12/2012 12:48 PM
Estoy muy triste. La tierra se ha quedado vacia. Mi santo Monsenor Roman se ha ido al cielo. Su saludo "Que la paz del Senor este siempre con vosotros... que seamos siempre un instrumento de su paz" no era solo un decir sino una ensenanza viviente. Se reflejaba en su voz, sus pasos, su mirada, su predica. Una vez en la Hermita de la Caridad me acerque a el y le pedi que orara por mi familia. Sin conocerme, el me escucho como si yo fuera la persona mas importante del mundo. Vi a una persona transparente, mansa, sin prisa, llena de amor. Cuanto aprendi de el lo que es la verdadera felicidad: Vivir en y para Xto. Espero que ahora que esta en la verdad, siga intercediendo por toda mi familia humana. Descanse en paz.
MariaCecilia Amaya - 04/12/2012 12:48 PM
Thank you Monse�or Roman for the many years of service where listening to you would always bring Peace & God to my soul, regardless of the circumstances; I am saddened by your departure, but I know that you will continue your work up in Heaven, looking down at all of us who loved you, even from afar! God has gained a soul that is unique, kind, honest, and who always brought a smile to anyone who saw him at the "Ermita" or anywhere else. Rest in Peace beloved Monse�or Roman.
Maritza C. Alvarez - 04/12/2012 12:16 PM
Monse�or Rom�n, su p�rdida es inmensa pero su ejemplo nos seguir� guiando a todos en la comunidad. Trabajar con usted fue un honor para muchos, entre ellos yo, su gran amor a Dios, Su Madre y a Su Iglesia fueron siempre sin l�mites, por eso estamos seguros que debe estar gozando de la presencia de nuestro Se�or y desde ah� seguir� pidiendo la intersecci�n Divina para lo que fue su primera opci�n despu�s del servicio a Dios y el amor al pr�jimo, Cuba y los cubanos, los de aqu� y los de all�. No pudo regresar f�sicamente a su querida tierra, no pudo ir al Cobre como era su deseo hacer cuando hiciera su primer viaje a Cuba, pero ahora ya podr� caminar por todos esos caminos y senderos sin que nadie se lo impida y hacer que todos los cubanos veamos en Cristo Se�or la verdadera libertad que transforma al mundo. Descanse en la Paz del Se�or y siga rogando por nosotros.
Silvio DePaz - 04/12/2012 11:02 AM
Monsenor Roman, descanse en paz. La familia DePaz hemos sentido mucho su perdida. Lo mas triste de todo que nunca ha podido regresar a cuba fisicamente, pero si espiritualmente. Fue un gran guiador para tdo los cubano en el exilio. Me preparo para la confirmacion y pude ver mas en ser una persona catolica ha un mas por su humildad en explicar mas como ser un catolico con fe. Monsor estoy seguro que ahora en cielo esta mirando a miami y nuestra tierra. Cuando se encuentre en el cielo con el malvado que tiene a cuba exclavisada no lo vea como un cubano mas, que lo que vinimoa ninos a este pais no hemos criado sin patria ni hemos visto ni conocer la tierra donde nacimos. Seguiremos en la tierra llevando muy presente sus encenanza En paz Desnace
Deacon Victor Pimentel - 04/12/2012 10:56 AM
Bishop Roman was a great father, friend and mentor of the deacons of the Archdiocese of Miami and will be deeply missed.

Today we praise God's grace and mercy for the humble, obedient reply of Bishop Roman; a yes for almost fifty three years; a yes to what he described as �God's whisper� to him to become a priest; a yes to God's plan to preach the Gospel.

Bishop Roman, effective pedagogue that he was, would often remind deacons of the scholastic maxim that grace builds on nature.

Bishop Roman was first and foremost a gentleman of the Church. His good, exemplary life, certainly afforded and facilitated harmony and peace, and helped us to deepen and even heal our relationships with Christ and the Church. He showed us how to give a clear, public witness to the faith � the quintessential mission of a Bishop, Priest and Deacon and of every Christian.

May the angels lead you into Paradise…
Carmen Matos-Raia - 04/12/2012 10:41 AM
Thank for so many years of service to God and our community. You will really be missed. Gracias por los anos de servicio a Dios y a la comunidad. Sera usted realmente extranado.
Josefina Palau - 04/12/2012 10:09 AM
Rest in peace Monsignor Roman, a true servant of the Lord and pride of all cuban exiles.
Rodrigo Fernandez y Andrea Pena - 04/12/2012 09:57 AM
Monse�or Roman fue un gran idolo, un gran padre, un gran conseguero. Su espiritu era incansable y su dedicacion inagotale. Su gran amor hacia los jovenes, particularmente a su grupo de parejas, Amor en el Princio era infinita. Siempre te recordamos Monse�or, pero sabemos que seras un fiel intercesor por nosotros que todavia estamos peregrinando este mundo.

Muchas gracias, Monse�or por tu gran cari�o y devocion a todos nosotros los cuales Dios te encargo bajo tu ministerio.

Monse�or Roman, ora por nosotros.
Beatriz Pertierra y familia - 04/12/2012 09:40 AM
Thank you Lord for sending this wonderful man to us.
You surely blessed us and I'm sure with his intersection you
will continue to bless us. We will miss you Bishop Roman.
Familia Guerrero Pe�a - 04/12/2012 08:43 AM

Mi familia y yo tuvimos la dicha de conocerle personalmente y poder compartir con el. Una persona verdaderamente humilde, generosa, y un gran amigo de Dios. Tambien tuvimos el Privilegio de que asistiera a un Cursillo a servir; siendo Monse�or ya Cursillista, el deseo ir al Cursillo otra vez. Monsenor fue realmente un mistico, un hombre de una vida de oracion profunda y comprometida. No habia dia que no confesara, las filas de confesion eran siempre larga. Siempre tenia tiempo para todo el mundo. Un Siervo de Dios muy accesible. Monsenor gracias por tu ejemplo, y por haber sido un testigo fiel de Cristo. Usted que siempre se preocupo por Unir a Las Familias ense�andonos una y otra vez la importancia de tener La Noche Familiar, Interceda por todas nuestras familias para que de ellas salgan hombres y mujeres de bien y sobre todo las vocaciones religiosas y sacerdotales como usted siempre nos ense�o. Gracias por todo Monse�or, hoy le decimos No un Adios, sino un Hasta Luego y disculpe si nos esta viendo llorar por su partida, pero no podemos evitar lo mucho que lo vamos a extra�ar. Estamos seguros que estara interecediendo por todos aqui en la tierra. Hasta Luego Mone�or We <3 U
Esperanza Rubido - 04/12/2012 08:39 AM
Este ultimo Viernes Santo escuche el sermon de las 7 Palabras por nuestro Padre Roman como todos carinosamente le llamabamos, nuestro obispo, nuestro faro en el exilio, el Padre Roman como siempre cercano, sonriente, lleno del Espiritu Santo. Una vida ejemplar que enaltece el orgullo de ser catolicos. En su homilia en la que recordo el 7 aniversario de la muerte de el Beato Juan Pablo II dijo "no hay que tenerle miedo a la muerte cuando se cierran los ojos aqui se abren en el cielo" Ahora con sus ojos abiertos en el cielo mirara a nuestras penas y luchas y sera una continua intercecion por nosotros, por su querida Cuba, por los cubanos de cualquier credo, por la libertad y la evangelizacion. El Padre Roman es un ancla de Dios en la tierra. Fuimos verdaderamente bendicidos por su presencia entre nosotros, descanse en paz Padre Roman, brille para el la luz perpetua, honremos su memoria siendo mejores catolicos y mejores cristianos. Gracias Senor por regarlos este tesoro de nuestro Padre Agustin Roman un hombre bueno lleno de la luz de Cristo.

Nuestro corazon esta contigo Padre Roman. Su Bendicion Monsenor. Su Bendicion.

Descanse en Paz e interceda por nosotros.
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus en Ti Confio.
Julia Palacios - 04/12/2012 08:39 AM
I'am so saddened by the news of this wonderful,devoted man's death. I watched Monsignor Roman as a child numerous times and like most was in awe of his greatness. My parent's would take me and my brother to La Ermita every Easter for Mass and I remember always looking forward to seeing him, summer 2011 I made a trip to Miami and as always made it a point to visit La Ermita to my surprise Roman was holding service that day and my children had the opportunity to sit with me to listen to this great man. Shortly after mass me, my brother, and my 3 boys (16,10,and 5 at the time) waited for him by the door, what an emotional reunion it proved to be when he approached us and I told him I had known him all my life. I introduced my children to him and he of course gave them his blessing and even posed for some photos with them, I'am so grateful my children had that wonderful opportunity. In the days that followed that reunion me and my brother as well as my parents began to tell my children his story and I could tell in there eyes those pictures with the Monsignor took on a whole new meaning. Me and my family pray that he rest in peace, and although not in Miami now, we mourn his loss with the entire Ermita and Miami community. Monsignor, Thank You for being such an important part of our lives, we will never forget you.
Lizette Lantigua - 04/12/2012 08:31 AM
Bishop Roman will be interceding for us in heaven! I have so many fond memories of him always helping, praying and smiling. Until recently he was sending me information and answering my many questions about Our Lady of Charity for a writing project. He will be sorrowfully missed but we rejoice in the thought that he is celebrating with God and Our Blessed Mother!
Rev. Manuel Viera, OFM - 04/12/2012 07:36 AM
I will always be grateful to Bishop Roman for ordaining me to the priesthood in June of 1982. I was the first priest that he ordained. He accepted to come to Cincinnati to ordained a fellow Cuban. Thank you.
Ricardo & Greisel Cervantes - 04/12/2012 07:01 AM
Nuestro muy querido Mons. Agust�n Rom�n ha partido a la casa del Padre, con los zapatos puestos y camino a la catequesis. Este santo hombre de Dios muri� al servicio de los dem�s, ha sido un ejemplo para cada uno de nosotros y pidamos al Se�or que seamos fieles continuadores de su obra. �Hay de mi si no predico el evangelio�. Mons. Rom�n siempre estar�s presente en nuestras oraciones.
Gonzalo Penagos - 04/12/2012 02:39 AM
Monse�or Rom�n encendi� su carro y se fu� a su �ltima catequesis. Muri� como vivi�... sirviendo. Nunca lo v� enojado, lo vi con lagrimas dos veces en mis quince a�os de ser pastoreado por �l. Siempre me admiraba oirlo contestar al tel�fono y decir:'Ermita de la Caridad alaorden". Descrito por el fundador de Radio Paz P Federico dice;"Monse�or es el Padre de Radio Paz". Hoy horas antes de nacer para el cielo me dijo:"Grab� tres programas seguidos y estoy cansado. Sin embargo en la misma conversaci�n se lamentaba que no ten�a tiempo para grabar mas programas...queria darlo todo y m�s. Y su pregunta para iniciar las conversaciones y como estan los ni�os...Te amamos Monse�or. A�n parece mentira que hace tan pocas horas estabas presidiendo la Santa Misa...
Jorge - 04/12/2012 12:55 AM
I will always remember watching him from a distance each morning
before sun-up (1993 thru 1996) walking the track field at La Salle High
School with his rosary in his hands. A humble man, a faithful shepherd,
a saint. Thank you, God, for your prayerful servant. You are his greatest
reward, :)
Daniel J. Perez - 04/12/2012 12:32 AM
Bishop Agustin Roman will be greatly missed; however, his legacy will forever continue to touch the hearts of not only the Cuban American community, but the hearts of those fortunate enough to have been able to make his acquaintance. His wisdom and sensitivity to the human spirit magnificently exemplified his dedication to our Catholic faith. May the Lord grant him everlasting peace!
Maria S. Anduiza - 04/12/2012 12:29 AM
During one of our youth retreats, Bishop Agustin Roman visited the youth, and gave the youth confession along with the Exposition and Benediction of the Holy Eucharist. We did not have any priest available; he came on a short notice. He was taking a walk around the area of the Youth Center and he noticed the group, and the youth. He asked what we were doing. We told him, "A youth retreat Bishop and we have no priest." His presence made that weekend more special not only to the youth but most especially to team of young adults and adults. As we ministered to the youth that weekend, the Bishop ministered to us too by his act of love and kindness. Thank you, Bishop Roman, you will be in our prayers.
Armando H. Corbelle - 04/11/2012 11:57 PM
Bishop Agustin Roman has fought the good fight and finished the course. Today, he received the crown that goes to victors. He lived to see Felix Varela named 'venerable' but not to see his beloved Cuba live in peace and freedom. And like Varela -- and St. Paul as well -- he was fated to preach the Gospel in both his native land and in exile.
Norma T. Molina - 04/11/2012 11:41 PM
Lo vamos a extranar muchisimo, Monsenor. Confiamos que usted estara orando por nosotros desde el cielo. Fue un honor trabajar para usted y tener el privilegio de haber podido estar cerca de usted. Un sacerdote excepcional y ejemplar para todos, un hombre amante de su sacerdocio y su ministerio sacerdotal y trabajando incansablemente para el Reino hasta el momento de su fallecimiento. Que descanse en paz y brille para el la luz perpetua!
Mike Periu - 04/11/2012 11:35 PM
For someone like Aux. Bishop Roman death is a triumph. He was a man that communicated strength and humility at the same time. I'm happy that we decided to spend Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday at La Ermita de La Caridad where Aux. Bishop Roman was active and present. I had the opportunity to have him hear my confession several times and he was always filled with simple, humble yet deep wisdom. After the Mass on Thursday evening he asked those of us that had stayed to pray a Rosary together. Even though it was well past 11pm, he stood with the energy and passion of a young man, praying, leading and educating us.

Que descanse en paz este humilde siervo de Dios.
Michael Munro - 04/11/2012 11:26 PM
Ire cum Deus, fidelis sacerdos et bellator enim Christus Jesus. Fiat opus et in terra. Reliqua pax, misericordia, charitas Domini nostri et salvatoris Iesu Christi.

Vaya con Dios, sacerdote fiel y guerrero de Cristo Jes�s. Su trabajo en la tierra que se hace. Descanse en la paz, la misericordia y el amor de nuestro Se�or y Salvador, Jesucristo.

Go with God, faithful priest and warrior for Christ Jesus. Your work on earth is done. Rest in the peace, mercy, and love of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.


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