Article Published


| Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Watch Archbishop Wenski's installation video

The Communications Department of the Archdiocese of Miami was pleased to present a live webcast of the installation Mass for Archbishop Thomas Wenski as Miami's fourth archbishop.

Comments from readers

Sandor Felipe - 06/04/2010 04:55 PM
Receive abundant blessings to fulfill his ministry has received, and remember that the episcopacy is a service, not an honor, so the bishop must live for the faithful and not only preside. Love with the love of father and brother to all who God puts in your care, especially to priests and deacons, employees yours in the sacred ministry, the poor, the sick, the weak. "God has begun a good work in you bring it to the finish." Que Dios lo bendiga
Hno. RICARDO GRZONA, frp - 06/03/2010 10:59 AM
Bienvenido Se�or Arzobispo Wenski. Nuestra comunidad hispana en Miami se encuentra honrada de su nombramiento. Deseamos muchas bendiciones del Se�or y cuente siempre con nuestras oraciones y el servicio a la �nica Iglesia Cat�lica que conformamos todos, estemos en el pa�s que estemos. Nos alienta mucho todo lo que nos ofrece para ampliar las fronteras de la Evangelizaci�n
Dios bendiga su ministerio y lo haga fecundo
Hno. Ricardo Grzona, frp, Presidente Fundaci�n Ram�n Pan�
Al�beta Imrichova - 06/01/2010 04:21 PM
Pochv�len� buď Je�i� Kristus.
Veľad�stojn� p�n arcibiskup Thomas Wenski, chcela by som V�m popriať k dne�n�mu v�znamnemu dňu veľa zdravia a s�l vo Va�ej ďal�ej slu�be pre veriacich.
Pozerala som Va�u sv�t� om�u cez internet tu na na�om peknom Slovensku priamo v Pre�ove.
Podľa priezviska usudzujem, �e Va�i predkovia pochadzali z neďalek�ho Poľska a mate slovansk� korene o to viac sa za V�s budem modliť a vyprosovať V�m veľa Bo�ej milosti pri Va�ej n�ročnej pr�ci.

Al�beta Imrichov�
Evelyn - 06/01/2010 04:03 PM
What a great gift and opportunity to be able to see the entire ceremony live. Thanks to the archidiocesis and EWTN for allowing us the people of God be witnesses of this historical moment. God bless our new pastor Thomas Wenski, and send his Holy Spirit over him, and light his path to guide us to the fountain of greatest love; Jesus Christ.
Argelia F. Carracedo - 06/01/2010 04:00 PM
I deeply appreciate this transmission.
Muchas gracias.
Dios los bendiga.

Argelia F. Carracedo
Michael Lara - 06/01/2010 03:57 PM
Congratulations to the Church of Miami ! I tried to participate in the Mass via the internet. I found the commentator with a vast amount of information ruined my participation. He never stopped talking. Please, keep in mind that the information given could be given at the end of Mass. Thank you.

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