News articles refer to events that have taken place recently, preferably within the last week. (To announce future events, use the request to publish your event link.)
News articles that will be considered for publication on the archdiocesan website consist of:
- News events regarding parishes
- News events regarding Catholic schools
- News events regarding archdiocesan and parish approved ministries and organizations
All articles submitted are subject to editing by the editor. If your article is declined, you will receive an email explaining why. Your article also will be edited for content and style, and in some cases, you might receive an email from the editor explaining why it has been edited. Up to three pictures can be submitted with each article; include information for each picture caption (i.e. names of all those in the photo from left to right with brief explanation of what taking place in the picture; relevant identifications, such as pastor, associate pastor, principal, seventh-grader, etc.).
Fill in the facts
Try to avoid pictures of large groups; look for action photos rather than photos of people standing and looking straight at the camera.
Use this guide to make sure your story or caption have all the information required.
Submitting an Event:
Events must be sponsored or hosted by an archdiocesan church, school, or agency, or a Catholic organization that has permission to function in the Archdiocese of Miami. We do not announce pilgrimages, raffles or games of chance and we only announce events that are open to the general public.
- Visit the My Account page. If you do not already have an account, please open an account. It is free. Simply use your email and a password and fill in the information requested.
- Log on and click on "My Events" on the right hand side of the page and follow the instructions. You may post a PDF or DOC of the flyer, as well as a JPG/PNG image (logo, photo, etc.) that is 1080 pixels wide by 1080 pixels deep, to illustrate the nature of the event.
- Click Submit and your event will be sent to the archdiocese for approval. You will be notified via e-mail if more information is needed.
Promoting an Event:
- Once an event is approved it is posted on the Events Calendar page, and possibly featured on the home page on the week leading to the event.
- Once an event is approved it is received by the Miami editor of the Florida Catholic newspaper, which comes out monthly and is distributed free in the parishes. If it is in time for the next edition, the announcement will appear in print as well, either in the Around Your Community section or as a News Brief, depending on the scale of the event.
- Keep in mind that the newspaper usually comes out the third weekend of the month; the deadline for submitting events is the first week of the month BEFORE the event takes place; that means an April event has to be in our offices the first week of March to make sure it is announced in time. Earlier is always better: As soon as the time and place of an event are fixed, feel free to submit it. It will be posted online that much longer so more people can see it, and it will certainly be in time for print publication.
Request for Lay Speakers, Religious Sisters Or Brothers:
Archdiocesan policy requires that any speaker - clergy, religious or lay - coming from outside the archdiocese be approved by the chancellor's office. No event can be publicized in the archdiocesan newspaper or website unless the speaker has received this approval. Please click here to read the archdiocesan policy and obtain the forms that need to be filled out.
The Archdiocese reserves the right to deny posting any information on the Archdiocesan website that does not adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Insults, use of ethnic slurs or personal insults, obscenities or any conduct that would not be acceptable to the Archdiocese of Miami or the Catholic Church in general will not be accepted.
Minors should seek parental permission before submitting an article.
All articles and events will be reviewed and approved by staff of the Communications Office before going live on the website.
You agree that you are responsible for any postings you make, and for any consequences thereof. You agree that all postings will be in compliance with all applicable local, state, national and international laws, rule and regulations. The Archdiocese takes no responsibility for third-party content nor does it have any obligation to monitor such third-party content. By submitting or posting content ("Content") you grant the Archdiocese a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, publish and distribute such Content. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein to any Content.
You agree that the article submitted was written by yourself and no information was copied without permission.
For the complete Terms of Use, please click here.
How to submit your article
Style Guide:
- Do not use all caps in the headline or subtitle.
- Always identify your source or interviewee by their full name (First name, Last name) followed by who they are. (i.e. Father Joseph Carney, pastor, Blessed Trinity Parish)
- Titles before names: Abbreviate Msgr. and Rev. (although Catholic priests are always referred to as Father). All other religious titles spell out.
- Indicate when and where the event took place within the body of the article.
- Pictures can be submitted with each article; include information for each picture caption (i.e. names of all those in the photo from left to right with brief explanation of what taking place in the picture; relevant identifications, such as pastor, associate pastor, principal, seventh-grader, etc.).
Submission deadlines for Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica in 2024
- In parishes Jan. 21; deadline: Jan. 5
- In parishes Feb. 18; deadline: Feb. 2
- In parishes March 24; deadline: March 8
- In parishes April 21; deadline: April 5
- In parishes May 19; deadline: May 3
- In parishes June 23; deadline: June 7
- Publication: July 21; deadline: July 5 | Florida Catholic: Digital only edition in July
- In parishes Aug. 18; deadline: Aug. 2 | La Voz Católica: Digital only edition in August
- In parishes Sept. 22; deadline: Sept. 6
- In parishes Oct. 20; deadline: Oct. 4
- In parishes Nov. 24; deadline: Nov. 8
- In parishes Dec. 22; deadline: Dec. 6
Submission deadlines for Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica