

Fr. Pedro M. Corces


Born in Cuba in 1957, Father Corces grew up in Miami and was ordained for the archdiocese in 1988. As vocations director, he is responsible for recruiting and screening candidates to the priesthood. He also helps out at Prince of Peace Church in Miami, teaches lay ministry courses and has been involved with the HIV/AIDS ministry.

Currently Fr. Corces is Parochial Vicar at Our Lady Of Divine Providence Catholic Parish.

When he knew he wanted to be a priest:

"I tried going into the seminary right after high school and it didn't work.
I was too young, too immature." Years later, he began questioning his choice again: "During a New Year's Eve party in which I was having the best time,
I stopped and looked around and said, is this what
I want? And the answer was very clear. No. That is not for me."

Later still, during a visit to the missions in Honduras, he realized his call was to the priesthood:

"Coming in contact with the dirt poor people made me want to make a difference. The priesthood came up as the way to make a difference. Of course, there are other ways. But that was my way, the gift being offered to me."

His description of the ideal priest:

"First of all, a human being filled with love for life and God and deep faith that, in and though that broken humanity, God blesses the world. You have to be filled with life, definitely."

What he would be doing if he had not become a priest:

"A teacher or a pilot. I love to tach and I love planes."

"I am successful when I know that the person has been touched by the spirit of Christ - when I have facilitated that encounter. You see the fruits. You see the change. Those are moments of sucess."

Greatest disappointment:

"9/11. Disappointment at our own humanity, that we are capable of doing something like that."

Greatest joy:

"9/11. I was so angry in the morning, and by the afternoon, I saw how human beings are capable of the highest, heroic choices."

Person he most admires:

Gandhi. "I think he was an incredible man who was able to free a country without shooting a gun."

Thing he most fears:

"I fear being old, sick and helpless, because I see it every day."

What he did before becoming a priest:

Worked in a bank's accounting department for 7 years: "I hated it."

Father Pedro Corces indulges in his favorite pastime: browsing in bookstores & reading.

Most difficult aspect of being a priest:

"Finding myself without answers and therefore dealing with the frustration of being powerless before cerain situations. Having to accept that I do not have all the answers."

What he does on his days off:

Loves going to the movies and spending time in bookstores: "I'm a bookworm. And when the weather is nice I go to the beach. I love the ocean."

His harshest critic:

"Myself and the Gospel."

His greatest accomplishment:

"I am successful when I know that the person has been touched by the spirit of Christ - when I have facilitated that encounter. You see the fruits. You see the change. Those are moments of success."

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