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Feature News | Thursday, March 21, 2024

Archdiocesan news briefs for March 2024

Help Christians in the Holy Land

Pope Francis is asking Catholics in the Archdiocese of Miami and throughout the world to support the Pontifical Good Friday collection which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Christians now comprise less than 2% of the population there. The collection supports the Church’s ministry in parishes, Catholic schools and religious education. It also helps to preserve the sacred shrines of Christianity, including in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection is necessary to meet the basic needs of the children of God still living in this land and to maintain a Christian presence where Christ was born. For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit or


Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

As is apparent to all, the United States is seeing increasing displays of hyper-partisanship and division. The Catholic Church offers neither support for nor opposition to any party or candidate. Rather, the Church seeks to offer hope and encouragement by equipping Catholics to engage as faithful citizens, to set aside malice, and to put on “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16). The U.S. bishops host a webpage,, that features tools and resources to help Catholics practice civil dialogue in their families, parishes and communities. It also contains new materials accompanying Faithful Citizenship that were approved by the bishops in 2023. All the documents are available in English and Spanish at and


Stop the abortion amendment

The Florida bishops are asking local Catholics to support Florida Voters Against Extremism, a collaborative effort of pro-life leaders in the state “to tell Florida voters the truth” about the “deceptive” Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion which gained enough signatures to be placed on the November ballot. According to the bishops, “this amendment is deeply concerning because it will allow all abortions to be obtained until viability and includes a broad ‘health’ loophole, essentially allowing abortion on demand up to birth... It could also nullify current laws requiring parental consent before minors obtain abortions and a 24-hour waiting period prior to abortions, as well as the 15-week and 6-week abortion laws recently passed by the legislature.” For more information, to sign-up for emails, or make a donation at Too Extreme for Florida, “Like, follow and share” the group on Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).


Human Resources office recognized nationally

The National Association of Church Personnel Administrators will confer its annual Leadership Award to the Archdiocese of Miami at their annual convocation in Kansas City in April. The award recognizes Miami’s leadership role in creating a seven-session HR foundational class designed and piloted for bookkeepers, school principals, pastors and parochial vicars; Archbishop Thomas Wenski’s and the archdiocese’s leadership role in upholding the dignity of immigrant workers, as demonstrated by a recent webinar on practices for helping immigrant employees achieve success in the workplace; and the archdiocese’s generous contribution to NACPA’s 50th anniversary campaign.

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