Article Published



Feature News | Wednesday, January 22, 2025

‘Bring hope to others’: Donate to the ABCD 2025

Annual pledge drive begins in the archdiocese and continues throughout this Jubilee Year

English Spanish



MIAMI | “Bring hope to others” is this year’s ABCD (Archbishop’s Charities and Development) campaign theme and is also what Archbishop Thomas Wenski is asking South Florida Catholics to do during this Jubilee Year.

“We journey through this life together, but often we are unaware of the trials our neighbor is facing. Whether it’s a stranger or the person sitting in the next pew, the Lord calls us to love them to recognize the burdens of others and to offer hope,” Archbishop Wenski says in this year’s ABCD video.

Therefore, in his appeal letter for this year’s campaign, Archbishop Wenski states, “Please prayerfully consider opening your hearts in support of the ABCD and make a gift of hope today. A world without God is a world without hope, and a world without hope is a world without a future. We must unite to bring hope and the love of Christ to people- no matter who they are or where they live. Every gift makes a difference!”

ABCD supports the many ministries of the Church in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties. Donations to ABCD support Catholic Charities, religious education programs, Catholic schools, seminarians and priests, marriage preparation programs, and lay ministries that form people to minister to the bereaved and the homebound.


A pie chart in this year’s brochure breaks down how the dollars were spent last fiscal year, based on the $12 million previously collected:

  • 24 percent, or $2,838,410 million, went to the education and formation of seminarians, clergy, deacons and religious.
  • 33 percent, or $3,943,762 million, went to ministries, evangelization and faith formation.
  • 43 percent, or $5,217,828 million, went to social ministries and assisting parishes and people in poor communities.

The ABCD campaign began in the parishes the second week of January with Archbishop Wenski’s appeal letter. The money raised by ABCD comes in the form of pledges paid in installments, beginning this year on the weekend of Jan. 25 and 26 and concluding in the following year.

The overall goal for this year’s drive is $12 million, with each parish assigned an individual goal based on its size and demographics. Unlike the weekly collections at Masses, which stay in the local parish, ABCD funds go to the archdiocese.

“During this Jubilee Year, we remain committed to continuing our mission to share the love of Christ and to bring hope to those in need, no matter who they are or where they live. By donating to the ABCD, you help others experience the transformative love of Christ, a love so powerful that it can heal the sick, convert hearts, and change the course of someone’s life. Please join me in sharing the gift of hope by making a donation to the ABCD today,” concluded Archbishop Wenski in this year’s ABCD video.




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