Article Published



Feature News | Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sunday TV Mass now airs at 9 a.m.

MIAMI | Heart of the Nation’s “My Sunday Mass” on TV has moved to a new time slot at 9 a.m. on WPXM (ION) channel 35. The weekly TV Mass, now one hour earlier, serves homebound and other Catholics unable to participate in a parish liturgy.

Heart of the Nation’s televised Mass includes prayer intentions submitted by viewers, a prayer for spiritual communion during distribution of the holy Eucharist, and homilies attentive to the pastoral care of Catholics who are homebound, in healthcare settings, or in prison.   

In addition to closed-captioning for the TV Mass, Heart of the Nation provides free subscriptions to the large-print Prayer & Worship Guide for use during “My Sunday Mass” on TV and in prayer throughout the week. 

To subscribe to the free Prayer & Worship Guide or request a gift subscription for a friend or family member, contact Heart of the Nation toll-free at 1-855-855-6277, or send an email to [email protected]. Include the name and postal address for the subscription recipient.

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