Article Published


Feature News | Sunday, March 06, 2011

By women, for women

Council of Catholic Women hosts annual luncheon to raise money for scholarships

Tonie Heitzman, Jean Annunziato and Gloria Schmidinger from St. Bernadette Parish enjoy the annual luncheon.

Photographer: TONI PALLATTO | FC

Tonie Heitzman, Jean Annunziato and Gloria Schmidinger from St. Bernadette Parish enjoy the annual luncheon.

VIRGINIA KEY — The Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women was at it again.

On Feb. 16, more than 240 women gathered at The Rusty Pelican for the 12th annual Scholarship Luncheon, whose goal is to raise funds so that young Catholic women can continue to pursue a Catholic education.

Alexa Petrillo, age 6, poses with singing Scarlett the bear. Guests pay ####_R_ to hear Scarlett sing, which raises money for the scholarship fund.

Photographer: TONI PALLATTO | FC

Alexa Petrillo, age 6, poses with singing Scarlett the bear. Guests pay ####_R_ to hear Scarlett sing, which raises money for the scholarship fund.

“When the MACCW approved the scholarship fund in 1996, Lucy Petrillo, Diane Tugander and my hands went up to volunteer,” said Barbara Asfendis, archdiocesan president of the women’s group. “We have been at it each year, ever since, with the goal of offering scholarships to deserving students who could not otherwise attend Catholic high school.”

“We wanted to make a difference in young women’s lives, furthering their Catholic education, and we wanted people to know what the MACCW was,” said Lucy Petrillo, chairman of the scholarship committee. “MACCW was a well-kept secret. Even our own parishes did not know what we did. We exist and we make a difference.”

This year’s luncheon, “Angels in our Midst,” was a bustling affair.

“We organize a Chinese auction and a silent auction,” said Tugander, a member of the scholarship committee. “People buy tickets for the Chinese auction, then place their ticket in the jar in front of the item in which they are interested. The items are donated, with an average value of $30, and every dollar is a great investment in the lives of our young women. We have wonderful sponsors who contribute items to the silent auction, as well, from Jungle Island to the Miami Symphony to the Miami Heat. Every contribution makes a difference in the lives of young women.”

With the cooperation of the archdiocesan Department of Schools, scholarship applications are sent each year to the principals of Catholic elementary schools. The scholarships are for girls completing the eighth grade.

“First we consider financial need, and then character and academics are factored in,” said Petrillo. “The application must be accompanied by a recommendation from the principal of the school, signed by the pastor, and each girl writes an essay on why she wants to continue with a Catholic high school education.”

“Let me tell you, when the applications are reviewed, it requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit as so many applicants are worthy,” Petrillo said.

Women travel from all over the archdiocese to attend the scholarship luncheon.

“We come from St. Bernadette every year,” said Tonie Heitzman. “This is a wonderful event benefitting the scholarship fund. The MACCW is an incredible organization that makes a difference in many lives. The women of MACCW are there for each other.”

“Our Lady of Lourdes Parish has two tables this year,” said Sharon Utterbach. “We come every year because we believe in the cause. We want to help Catholic girls who want to continue their education, who need good peer pressure at this stage of their lives.”

Father Eric Zegeer, associate pastor at All Saints Church in Sunrise, serves as the Broward County moderator for the archdiocesan council. “It’s an honor serving our women. They are the heart of the Church and the backbone of what happens. I am blessed with many spiritual mothers.”

The MACCW Scholarship fund has grown over the years. In 1997, two women received scholarships of $750 each. Last year, four women received scholarships of $6,000 each.

“We pray that memorial donations, benefactors and sponsors continue to grow so that we can continue to help young Catholic girls advance with a solid education,” said Asfendis.

This year, one of the original scholarship committee members and gala coordinator, June Acker, passed away just prior to the luncheon.

“Her spirit is here with us today,” said Petrillo. “She is making sure we are doing a good job . . . or else!”

Scholarship donations can be made in Acker’s name by contacting the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, or e-mailing [email protected].
Members of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women's (MACCW) Scholarship Committee pose with Father Michael Greer, pastor of Assumption Parish in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea and moderator of the archdiocesan council.

Photographer: TONI PALLATTO | FC

Members of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women's (MACCW) Scholarship Committee pose with Father Michael Greer, pastor of Assumption Parish in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea and moderator of the archdiocesan council.

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