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Homilies | Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thanks to La Guadalupana, 'you have found a home'

Archbishop Wenski's homily at dedication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Doral

Archbishop Thomas Wenski watches as priests process into Our Lady of Guadalupe Church for the dedication Mass.

Photographer: TOM TRACY | FC

Archbishop Thomas Wenski watches as priests process into Our Lady of Guadalupe Church for the dedication Mass.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preached this homily Dec. 12, 2015, at the dedication and blessing of the new church, chapel and parish hall of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Doral. 

Congratulations! Felicidades! Today, the Catholic Community of Doral has a home. It was a long time coming but thanks to “La Guadalupana” � and to those who love her � you have found a home, and she has found a home with us.

A joyous Archbishop Thomas Wenski prepares to begin the dedication Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Doral.

Photographer: TOM TRACY | FC

A joyous Archbishop Thomas Wenski prepares to begin the dedication Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Doral.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski sprinkles holy water on the altar and image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the start of the dedication Mass for the new church.

Photographer: TOM TRACY | FC

Archbishop Thomas Wenski sprinkles holy water on the altar and image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the start of the dedication Mass for the new church.

Bishops who took part in the dedication Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe stand with the church's pastor, Father Israel Mago (second from left) after the Mass. From left: Auxiliary Bishop Peter Baldacchino, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archbishop Emeritus John C. Favalora and Bishop Emeritus Fernando Isern of Pueblo, Colorado.

Photographer: TOM TRACY | FC

Bishops who took part in the dedication Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe stand with the church's pastor, Father Israel Mago (second from left) after the Mass. From left: Auxiliary Bishop Peter Baldacchino, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archbishop Emeritus John C. Favalora and Bishop Emeritus Fernando Isern of Pueblo, Colorado.

Hoy, ustedes finalmente pueden sentirse en casa; pues han construido una casa para la Madre de Dios y como buena madre ella nos dice a todos nosotros: “Mi casa es su casa.” Este templo es nuestra casa, pero a la vez es la casa de María y la casa de Dios.

María de Guadalupe no es un hecho del pasado. Ella sigue muy presente en el caminar de la Iglesia, que es siempre peregrina en esta tierra. Por lo tanto, ella está muy presente con ustedes que son inmigrantes.

Cinco siglos de historia dan testimonio de la presencia maternal y solícita de la Morenita. Sin ella, América estaría incompleta. Y sin una parroquia que llevaría su nombre, esta iglesia local de Miami estaría incompleta.

Las palabras y los gestos de la Virgen de Guadalupe siguen vivos en el corazón de nuestros pueblos. Aunque ustedes se encuentran lejos de la patria que les vio nacer, esa estrella que es la Madre de Dios sigue alumbrándoles el camino que les llevará al encuentro con “el Dios de Gran Verdad, de Aquel por Quien vivimos; de El Creador de Personas, de El Dueño de lo que está Cerca y Junto; del Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra”. Que ella nos motive para que “prosigamos confiados nuestro camino de compromiso cristiano adonde nos lleva la Providencia. Que cada paso sea uno hacia delante en nuestra jornada hacia Dios”.

Today, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, this parish church, and the altar upon which Mass will be celebrated, are consecrated. We set aside a work, a beautiful work, made by human hands for a sacred purpose.

In the history of the Hebrews’ exodus from the slavery of Egypt to the freedom of the Promised Land, we learned how, in order to slake their thirst, Moses struck a rock with his rod and a spring of water gushed forth. St. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, tells them that “that rock was Christ” (1 Cor. 10:4). This stone altar made of fine marble represents Christ: for on this altar the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection is re-presented, and from this altar you receive the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation.

But even as we set this building apart and make it a sacred place, let us remember that you too have been set apart. As these walls will be anointed with Chrism, to remind us that God dwells here with his people, you must remember that you also were anointed � and as God dwells here as in his temple, you too are his temples, temples of the Holy Spirit. 

Here, you do holy things � you hear the Scriptures, you worship and adore Christ present in his Most Blessed Sacrament, you celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass and the other sacraments. You do these holy things � so that you can become holy yourselves.

Hoy terminamos la construcción de este templo, del salón parroquial y la capilla con una solemne ceremonia de consagración �del templo y de un nuevo altar. En este altar, encontramos con la manantial de gracia que le dio a los mártires la fortaleza para derramar su sangre. Hoy consagramos este altar. Dedicamos la labor de las manos humanas para un propósito sagrado. El Sacrificio de la Nueva Alianza será ofrecido aquí. Aquí Dios convive con su pueblo. Este altar es como el umbral de una puerta. A través de este umbral “pasaremos” de lo mundano a lo sagrado, de lo terrenal a lo divino. Aquí nos encontramos con Dios, quien nos abre los portones del cielo.

A beautiful sanctuary can help set the right mood for proper worship. And hopefully these new facilities can help lead you to a more worthy celebration of the sacraments. Of course, the church is not the buildings, it’s the people, the community. So, just as you have worked hard to build up these buildings, you have to work even harder to build up the community in faith, hope and love. You might worship in the most beautiful cathedral in the world but it would sound a dissonant note in God’s ears � it would be merely like the noisy clanging of a gong � if that worship did not lead you to a deeper conversion of your hearts and minds to the Lord.

Al dedicar este templo y este altar, volvamos también a re-dedicarnos � como individuos y como una comunidad parroquial � para trabajar juntos para el reino de Dios. Que no solo escuchemos la Palabra de Dios, sino que la cumplamos. Que hagamos nuestro ese “si” de María. Nuestras vidas � al igual que la de María � pueden ser marcadas con tribulaciones y dificultades � pero al igual que la vida de María, encontraremos nuestro destino final y felicidad en Dios.

Con la Guadalupana delante superamos todos los obstáculos en nuestro caminar hacia el nuevo mundo, ese mundo de esperanza y de libertad que aguardamos con firmísima fe en este tiempo de Adviento. La Virgen de Tepeyac lleva en su vientre el niño Dios. Juan Bautista lo anunció cuando pregonaba en el desierto: Preparen el camino para el Señor. La Virgen de Guadalupe, morenita y mestiza como los pueblos de la América, nos preparó el camino cuando dijo su “si” a Dios en Nazaret. Desde Tepeyac, ella sigue enseñándonos como decir si también.

Que seamos todos portadores de la Buena Nueva, como ella, para que el mundo en que vivimos encuentre al “Dios de Gran Verdad, de Aquel por Quien vivimos; de El Creador de Personas, de El Dueño de lo que está Cerca y Junto; del Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra”.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski anoints the altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church with the Oil of Chrism.

Photographer: TOM TRACY | FC

Archbishop Thomas Wenski anoints the altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church with the Oil of Chrism.

Comments from readers

Marcia C. Perez - 12/13/2015 09:11 PM
Congratulations to Archbishop Thomas and Father Israel on the dedication of that beautiful Sanctuary.

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