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National Vocation Awareness Week is celebrated Nov. 6-12 in the U.S. This blog is adapted from Father Biju Vells’ introductory message to his parishioners at St. Pius X Church in Fort Lauderdale.

My journey to priesthood has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride. Whenever we dedicate our lives to such a great call, we will face challenges and obstacles. While in high school, a youth minister once told me, “If you give your life to the Lord, expect your life to be an adventure, filled with ups and downs.” But through faith and prayer, God will lead us on the path we are meant to take.

I was born with a congenital defect called Spina Bifida. The doctors informed my parents that I would never walk, nor would I live longer than 20 years of age. By the time I was 3 years old I had undergone multiple surgeries on both legs. Because of this, I walk with a different gait. In my early school days, I was often teased and picked-on because of this. This affected me emotionally for many years. As time went by, I always had this hope within me that things would get better. Today, I stand witness to His words in Psalms 118:23: “The Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

My path to priestly life was greatly influenced by my family. My parents’ faithful commitment to the Lord, expressed through attending Mass and saying daily prayers, led me to emulate a prayerful life. Even now I can remember my mother praying with my siblings and me every night before we slept.

I began thinking about becoming a priest since I was 10 years old. The thought continued while in high school, which is where I began to understand more about the Lord.

I would like to say that I followed Him wholeheartedly. But the truth is that even though I felt a strong call to priestly life, I had a lot of worldly influences in my life. High school is a time of popularity and fashion and being cool. I was not unaffected. I joined along with my friends and copied what they did. Ultimately, though, I found that I remained unfulfilled.

Throughout my high school years, I used to visit the Blessed Sacrament at my parish chapel. This was not out of a personal devotion, but in order to fulfill a promise I made to my mother. Usually I would just go in, check my watch, and walk out after five minutes. This was my routine for one year.

During my visits I would notice a man, a little older than me, who would sit at the back of the chapel. He would always be praying and reading the Bible. His face conveyed such peace. I longed to experience a similar peace. Soon I began staying longer in the chapel just to quietly watch this man.

Finally, I mustered the courage to speak with him. In our conversation, he mentioned that he was considering becoming a priest. That moment was a turning point for me. After the conversation, I felt that maybe I could also be a priest. That man did not do anything specifically or say anything specifically; but the presence of God so evident within him was something I wanted.

Another incident also had a great effect on my life. A friend of mine was going to the Holy Land and he was taking prayer intentions with him. I told him my prayer: “I want someone to come into my life who will bring me peace and happiness.” When asking, I was thinking of a girlfriend. However, the Lord knew exactly what would fulfill my desires.

A month after this prayer, I attended a parish mission with a youth group. During the adoration, the priest processed with the Blessed Sacrament and placed it on the altar. He then invited all the youth to come closer. I suddenly had a great desire to go before the Eucharist. As I walked closer, my body became weak and I fell on my knees. I felt the Lord in my heart and for the first time I realized what I was called to do with my life.

After I graduated from high school, I attended St. John Vianney Seminary in Miami for two years. I was able to discover the beauty and richness the Church had to offer. I realized the importance of being a man of prayer. I enjoyed my stay at St. John Vianney. However, after two years I decided that it was not the right time for me to continue in the seminary. I was still young and felt a little out of place.

I transferred to Florida International University and received a bachelor’s in social work. After receiving the degree, I entered the Conventual Franciscan Order, in Texas, and began studying to become a priest. However, after staying with the Franciscans for one year, I felt that my vocation was to work with the people.

I then chose to pursue a master’s in social work in Miami. I wanted to earn this degree because I felt it would help me to better understand human suffering in the world. I became a medical social worker and mostly enjoyed my work, helping those who were sick and poor. After I left the Franciscan Order, I thought God was calling me to lead a single life. In reality, what I did never felt truly satisfying; I always felt a longing to do something deeper.

One day, while doing social work at a hospital in Miami, I was in a patient’s room. The chaplain was also there to give Communion to the patient. As the chaplain lifted the Eucharist, I could hear in my heart that the Lord was talking to me: “What you are doing is good, but what I have for you is something better.” I knew then that I could not remain a social worker; I realized that God was calling me to be a diocesan priest.

Today, in this my true vocation, I am in daily contact with people who are in different stages of their lives. I encounter parents who are preparing to bring a life into this world. I meet individuals at the end of their life journey. I feel I could not have chosen a better vocation. Priesthood is how God called me into His holiness and it makes me feel so happy and so full. The Lord says in John 10:10 that He came so that we may have life and life in all its fullness. This is what I enjoy today.

Comments from readers

Betty Twyman - 11/13/2016 01:29 PM
Thank you for sharing. I am glad you found your calling. How wonderful.
Sara Hodgetts - 11/08/2016 12:30 PM
Dear Fr.Biju; Thank you for your beautiful story and message. May God bless you and continue guiding you always.
KATHY KWOK - 11/08/2016 11:03 AM
God is great! What beautiful testimony, Fr. Biju!
Irene Tomonto - 11/07/2016 03:14 PM
Dear Fr. Biju, As a parishioner of St. Louis, I have watched you through the years as an altar server, a young adult and most recently as our Parochial Vicar. Thank you for sharing your journey in faith. May the Lord continue to bless your service to Him.
Jan Rush - 11/07/2016 01:59 PM
Thank you, Father Biju, for this wonderful testimony about finding your vocation. I am blessed to be one of your flock at St. Pius and I truly appreciate your reverence while offering Mass and your faithfulness to the teachings of the Church. May you continue to be blessed in your priesthood. Thank you for answering our Lord's call in your life.
Deacon Tom Hanlon - 11/07/2016 01:43 PM
Fr. Biju, Great reflection. Even though I have heard your story before it is a witness that still gives me hope for others who have the vocation but have not answered the call. I was proud to serve you when you were at St Louis and maybe one day I will serve you again. Jesus Christ is risen. Deacon Tom Hanlon
Maria M Monch - 11/07/2016 01:34 PM
Beautiful and uplifting!! GOD Bless you!
Zoraida Perez - 11/07/2016 01:11 PM
Gracias Padre Biju por compartir tan linda historia de su vocacion sacerdotal. Es muy importante que los jovenes escuchen de parte de ustedes los sacerdotes que la vida religiosa es una opcion de vida. Como madre de tres yo siempre les hablo de que escuchen el llamado de Dios para que encuentren su verdadera vocacion en la vida. Muchas veces noostros los padres de familia, con las mejores intenciones, le hablamos a nuestros hijos de estudiar carreras monetariamente excitosas pensando que eso les traera felicidad a sus vidas. La verdadera felicdad se encuentra en hacer con amor dia a dia lo que Dios tiene preparado para ti y para eso hay que saber escuchar la voz de Dios! Dios le siga bendiciendo!
Zoraida - 11/07/2016 01:02 PM
Thank you for sharing with us your vocation story. Yesterday at Mass our priest also shared his. It is so important that our children know that what brings you happiness in life, is to follow your vocation. God bless you fr Biju. Zoraida From Coral Springs

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