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I’m reminded lately of the famous quote by Dorothy in the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” from 1939. In this scene, Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Lion are walking on the yellow brick road through the forest, uncertain of what might lie ahead. To give themselves courage for the journey they start chanting together – “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”

This quote has come to mind because as an archdiocesan community, we have a lot of things that lie ahead in the next 18 months to two years that many of us may be uncertain about…Synod and Year of Faith and New Evangelization, oh my! I’m writing this week to assure you that just as these beloved fictional characters did, we will be locking arms and making this journey into our future together. And just like these fictional characters who set off on the journey knowing they needed to develop new qualities in themselves in order to be successful, we, too, will have to discern what gifts our communities need from us for this mission to bear fruit. The Tin Man wanted a brain, the Scarecrow wanted a heart and the Lion wanted courage… What faith formation do you need to more fully engage in the evolving pastoral realities of our local and international Church?


Locally, on April 3, 2012, Archbishop Thomas Wenski proclaimed the opening of the Second General Synod of the Archdiocese of Miami. A synod is a time of prayer, listening and planning. Many of you have attended the Listening Sessions held all over the archdiocese and voiced your hopes and dreams for the future of the Church of South Florida. Archbishop Wenski has set aside the next 18 months for the Synod to involve each parish community in the pastoral planning of the archdiocese for the next 3-4 years. He did this because, “It is in the local Churches that the specific features of a detailed pastoral plan can be identified – goals and methods, formations and enrichment of the people involved, the search for the necessary resources – which will enable the proclamation of Christ to reach people, mold communities, and have a deep and incisive influence in bringing Gospel values to bear in society and culture.” (Proclamation Scroll, April 3, 2012.)

This is a great opportunity to be involved in your parish community and help shape the future goals of the Archdiocese of Miami. Your Church is asking for your participation. Are you prepared for the mission? What formation do you need to help your parish “bring Gospel values to bear in society and culture”?

Year of Faith
Simultaneously with our Archdiocesan Synod, and not coincidentally, Pope Benedict XVI declared that a "Year of Faith" will begin on Oct. 11, 2012 and conclude on Nov. 24, 2013. The first day of the Year of Faith is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) and also the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. During the Year of Faith, Catholics are asked to study and reflect on the documents of Vatican II and the catechism so that they may deepen their knowledge of the faith.

The upcoming Year of Faith is a “summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the One Savior of the world” (Porta Fidei 6). In other words, the Year of Faith is an opportunity for Catholics to experience a conversion – to turn back to Jesus and enter into a deeper relationship with him. The “door of faith” is opened at one’s baptism, but during this year Catholics are called to open it again, walk through it and rediscover and renew their relationship with Christ and his Church.” (US Bishops)

We all know that every relationship needs tending to or it withers and dies. This year, we have the opportunity to tend to our relationship with Jesus and rediscover all the reasons we fell in love with Him the first time. I’ve heard some cradle Catholics admit in whispered voices that since we were baptized as infants, some of us have yet to fall in love on our own; for decades now, we’ve just been “following the rules” taught to us by our parents. Then let this Year of Faith be your turn to fall in love with Jesus and His Church for yourself, because you choose to make your faith your own.

What faith formation do you need to make your faith your own?

New Evangelization
Pope Benedict XVI convoked the 13th General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that will take place from October 7 to 28 on the theme: “The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith”.  It is not a coincidence that our Archdiocesan Synod and the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization are taking place simultaneously.  Both synods take on the idea of renewal and pastoral planning. Specifically, this Synod’s pastoral plan is how do we continue to evangelize people who have never met Jesus, and how do we evangelize those who are baptized (who know Jesus) but whose conversion is not yet complete?  

Pope John Paul II started talking about the New Evangelization as early as 1979.  He began to refer to it more frequently in his writings on the advent of the millennium in 2000.  Since then, six key factors have come to light that have had a radical effect on our culture and society and our ability to evangelize.  The bishops will be discussing the influences of secularization, migration, social communication, economics, scientific and technological research, and politics and how we will continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ amid these various and changing realities of our time.

What faith formation do you need in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your neighbor?

Archdiocesan School of Ministry
For many of you, the answer to the questions posed throughout this blog is the Archdiocesan School of Ministry.  The School of Ministry forms lay men and women who desire to grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith and in their ability to serve the Church. Over the course of two years, participants develop knowledge in spirituality, theology, and pastoral ministry. Upon completion of the certificate program, graduates find they are closer to Jesus and are better able to serve in their parish and community.

Two years from now, our Archdiocesan Synod will have ended and our three pastoral priorities will have been identified. Two years from now, the Year of Faith will be over, but the good work that was begun in bringing people back to the Catholic Church so that they might grow closer to Jesus will continue.  Two years from now, plans for the New Evangelization will be getting into full swing as we develop systematic methods of reaching out to our brothers and sisters.  Two years from now, you could be a graduate of the Archdiocesan School of Ministry, with a strong foundation in Scripture, Church history, sacramental theology, Catholic doctrine and pastoral ministry skills, and ready to serve your parish in multiple capacities.  Wouldn’t that be awesome?  

Dorothy and her friends were uncertain about the future, so they started chanting, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”  If you are uncertain about our Church’s future and feel a little bit like, “Synod and Year of Faith and New Evangelization, oh my!” I think your best move is to register for the School of Ministry Class of 2014 today!


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