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On the wall in the northwest corner of my office, there is a framed photograph of every single eighth grade class I have seen graduate since I first entered a Catholic school classroom to teach some 17 years ago. Up there are six different schools, hundreds of kids, and countless memories.  

I sometimes sit in my office and look at this collage of portraits, each one telling a hundred tales, and pray for those kids. Some haven’t been kids in a while. Some have kids of their own. Most, sadly, have wandered beyond the safety of the gates of Mother Church.  

Since becoming a pastor, I’ve joked with eighth graders of not wanting to hand them their diplomas at graduation because I do not want them to leave. As if echoing the very words of Jesus in John 10:28, “No one will snatch them from my hand.”  

But then I look at them and realize that they are not mine. They belong to the Lord. And as I’ve preached many a time during graduation homilies, we have to let them go.  

It’s all so easy when they are children and you have them as a captive audience every Friday for Mass, or whenever I pop into a classroom. But after that, sadly, they are gone. And then we wait. We wait for them to come home. We wait like the father of the prodigal son to perhaps, one day, catch sight of them returning home.  

Yes, there are some who still faithfully attend Mass every Sunday and who have done and continue to do some great things for the Church. Yet most of their classmates have wandered off. 

Sure, many keep in touch. Many have become very successful in their chosen careers. And while most of the time I look up at that wall with pride and think of what those kids have accomplished, there are times when I wish I could reach into those pictures and — like the outstretched hand of our Lord in the Gospel story of the widow of Nain — touch the ones who have strayed and put them safely back in the arms of Holy Mother Church. 

This is our calling. 

All of us know people who for some reason or another have left the Church. Some reasons may be legitimate, but we must remind them of the compassion and mercy of Jesus Christ. Our hands must be the hands of Jesus who touched the coffin at Nain. We must touch the hearts of those who are “dead in sin” and have been carried off by the world beyond the safety of the gates of Holy Mother Church.

If you’re a parent who weeps because your children don’t come to Mass with you anymore, “do not weep” your Savior tells you. The Church, his bride, has been weeping with you, and waits for the day when all her children, especially those who were raised within the safety of her gates, rise up and return to the arms of their mother, who weeps every day for those who have wandered far.  

As for all those kids in those photographs, for me it’s not so much tears that come to my eyes but a singular prayer that wells up in my heart: that the seeds of faith their parents and their teachers and their priests planted, may one day produce great fruit and ultimately lead them back home to their Church.

Comments from readers

Pat Solenski - 05/30/2017 10:32 AM
Thank you Father for a poignant reflection on eighth grade graduations. I understand your thoughts and prayers as we bid them farewell. Each of us who have nurtured the seed of faith that the parent has planted believe that we must continue to keep them in our prayers as they meet the challenges in their life. Thank you for your words of comfort and confidence.
viceente o. gort - 05/29/2017 08:19 PM
Gracia le doy a Dios que tenemos un parraco como many alavrez es una gran persona con mucho entusiamos y muy dedicado a la iglecia la casa de nuestro Jesucrito que regalo tan belo hiso el arzobismo cuando lo ordeno a la iglcia Inmaculada concepcion de hialeah y regresarlo de donde salio en el pasado que regalo tan bello y da una minsa tan bella y nos habla con esa seguridad como si fueramos su propia familia y por donde nos guia por el camino correcto, en mis oracione siempre pido mucho por el que Jesucrito y la Divina Misericorda nos le de muacha salud y sabiduria para que siga con nosotros. Un Abrazo Many te queremos mucho y que Dios te vendiga por siempre. un abrazo orlando gort
Gloria Carreras - 05/29/2017 04:02 PM
Aunque ningunos de mis nietos se graduaron cuando usted estaba en Saint Gregory, deseo decirle que siempre lo recordamos con mucho cari�o y rezamos por usted, sobretodo el grupo de los juves que used siempre visitaba.
Olivia Baca - 05/29/2017 03:49 PM
El mensaje toco las fibras de mi Corazon, y pense en como debe sufrir un padre de familia cuando el hijo de va! se va del hogar, se va de la iglesia; cuando el padre ya no puede acariciar al hijo como cuando erea ni�o, porque se fu�! Oremos por los jovenes, para que nuestro buen Padre les de sabiduria y caminen por este mundo tan lleno de tentaciones, y a la Virgen para que los tome de su mano y los lleve por el buen camino.
Hugo Alvarez - 05/29/2017 03:29 PM
Wow fant�stico art�culo lo felicito Padre Manny Hugo Alvarez

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