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“As children of God, we’re better than this and we need to start acting like it.” — Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia

To love as God loves is not the way of the world and for many it is difficult to understand. It’s not about feelings and emotions, but rather a conviction that all human life has value. It is the emptying of self for another.

Schools participating in the 2014 March for Life:
  • Archbishop Curley Notre Dame, Miami
  • Archbishop Edward McCarthy, Southwest Ranches
  • Belen Jesuit, Miami
  • Cardinal Gibbons, Fort Lauderdale
  • Carrollton, Coconut Grove
  • Chaminade-Madonna, Hollywood
  • Christopher Columbus, Miami
  • Immaculata LaSalle, Miami
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, Miami
Whether it be the killing of an innocent child through abortion or the killing of a convicted criminal by state execution, our hearts know that killing another human being cannot be the solution to a social problem. We must be people of life, hope and mercy.

The Lord tells us, “I desire mercy, not sacrifices” (Mt 9:13).

The United States has one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world. We are one of only 9 countries in the world who permit abortion after 14 weeks of pregnancy and one of only four that allows abortion for any reason after viability.... Who are the other three? China, N. Korea, and Canada.

The state of Florida is the ONLY state in the union that can condemn a person to death with a simple majority vote.

What does this say about who we are? These are certainly not the actions of a people who know they are children of a merciful God? What must happen in our Church to bring about this awareness so that our hearts may be open to life?

We must begin with our children, teaching them to be a people of hope. Our example of self sacrifice for others must show them how to replace a culture of death with a culture of life.

On January 22nd, 100 high school students from the Archdiocese of Miami will attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Our pilgrimage theme this year is: Reflection, Conversion, and Action.

Reflection: We will reflect on the challenges we face in our country on issues of social justice. Where is the justice in the killing of an innocent child? Where is the justice when our response to violence is more violence? If every human life has value in the eyes of God, how do we maintain a just society?

Conversion: Every human heart has within it the capability of conversion because the Lord does not desire even one of His own to be lost.

Action: Our Holy Father Pope Francis calls for radical action to save the lives of the innocent children when he said: “Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you.”

Once we understand what it means to love as God loves we will be able to see the dignity that exists in every human being, born and unborn, and we will be compelled to speak up for the victims as well as those who victimize. Only then will we be able to claim that we are people of life, hope and mercy.

Comments from readers

mirtha de la Torre - 01/17/2014 10:34 PM
Gracias por este art�culo muy oportuno para sensibilizarnos para apoyar la iniciativa de la Marcha por la vida. Es importante movilizar a la opini�n p�blica con actos como este de manera que la voz del pueblo cat�lico se haga escuchar en defensa de la vida porque si no lo hacemos caemos en el pecado de omisi�n al no hacer patente que estamos en desacuerdo con lo que esta pasando. Esto esta en concordancia con el "Hagan L�o" a que nos invita el Papa Francisco. No podemos ser cat�licos tibios e indiferentes ante lo que esta sucediendo si va en contra de nuestros principios. En el di�logo cotidiano de la humanidad la voz del pueblo cat�lico debe ser cada vez m�s sonora, afinada y armoniosa para sustituir la muerte por la vida.
clementina salloum - 01/16/2014 09:47 PM
Cuando el mundo pierde el sentido profundo del Amor y se desconoce la posibilidad de este, de convertirse en Agape, todo valor humano pierde su justificacion. Entonces lo que rige los actos es el instinto y el egoismo y las consecuencias justifican cualquier error hasta el mas cruel como detener la vida de un ser indefeso, que pertenece a Dios

El Aborto, se inicia en la union de dos personas, que no han aprendido que el unirse a otra persona, no se trata tan solo de una union fisica, pero tambien espiritual. y moral EL Aborto no se inicia en una Clinica, pero en nuestra consciencia, cuando no se nos ensena ni alcanzamos a comprender, que lo mas excelso del ser humano es su capacidad de Amar y que este privilegio es entrega reciproca, en donde, para quienes creen en Dios y en los Sacramentos, es el Sagrado encuentro entre el Amor humano de la pareja y el Amor divino

Si no se enfoca la Raiz principal del Aborto, que radica justamente en el Amor, en este aspecto de Pareja, nuestros intentos por salvar la vida de inocentes, sera incompleto. Para darnos VIDA, Jesus nuestro Amado Salvador,mas alla de toda predica y milagro, dio la muestra maxima de entrega SU PROPIA VIDA. Estamos dispuestos a darla como parte de una evangrlizacion que se encarna en la realidad presente, como es, no como quisieramos que sea?
El testimonio del Amor de Cristo, debe ser reflexionado y compartido con seriedad. Si bien entre las principales causas del Aborto, se da la carencia de dar importancia al Amor hiumano/divino, seremos capaces de dar la vida por seguirel modelo de Amor que nos dio Cristo? La joven que opta por el Aborto, comprendio, vivio en su etorno el ejemplo del Amor comprometido y solidario?

Gracias por dar importancia a este tema tan trascendental y en el que se beben aplicar nuevas formas, llenas de ternura Cristiana para formar y guiar nuestras perspectivas y consciencia hacia el Amor que se vive con toda las consecuencias como Jesus nos enseno

Maria V - 01/16/2014 03:11 PM
Thank you God for the army of brave women and men that said yes to life...Respect Life Ministry is fully committed to educate Catholics on many life issues...we just need for every Pastor and Ministry in the Catholic Church, to open their hearts,their minds and their doors to the truth...even if it hurts...because the main message is full of compassion,mercy and love for the life of the unborn child and their vulnerable moms.
Joe - 01/15/2014 04:28 PM
The wisdom and strong faith of the writer shines forth in this article. I agree with another poster- this article should be read at the altar of every parish.
James Cleary - 01/13/2014 04:17 PM
The message of highest priority from Holy Father Francis I is profoundly simple and accurate. Practicing Catholics are truly obligated to picket, because picketting works! If a letter from the Bishop or this letter from Joan Crown were read in all parrishes it would touch hearts. It would make many who sit in the pews feel obligated to pray the Rosary in front of the many Abortion Centers, together with those who picket. Its really easy to do, but hard to begin. If Catholics could be shown that "Its OK" to defend Human Life, the results would be fantastic! What did the Pope say again?
Sister Lidia Valli - 01/13/2014 03:39 PM
Thank you for all you do to safe lives, to make everyone to think about the dignity of each human being. With our students, at the Marian Center, we can support your ministry with our prayers.

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